Chapter 1

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A cold morning. That's basically all that Lucy could remember when she opened the door.
Even when she stared into the face she hasn't seen for over 16 years.
And wondered how the hell is that face there?
"Juvia?" She yelled behind her into the small house they shared.
"Yeah?" The blue haired woman in her mid-30's popped her head out of the kitchen.
"We've got a situation over here." Said the blonde as she stared the the eyes of her friend from all those years ago, none other than the mighty Titania, Erza Scarlet.

Few hours back
"What do you mean she's targeting the kids?" Erza yelled at Gajeel as he sat on the chair in the guild hall, Levy and Wendy bandaging him up.
"That's all she told me before she threw me off that cliff. That we will be sorry for all we've done and the kids are the first ones to pay."
"Master we gotta do something!" Panther Lilly turned to the guild Master as he looked over to the bunch of teenagers sitting around one table.
The salmon haired Master sighed. "There is no way I'm letting another child get harmed in this guild. We will fight her when she dares to come!"
"That's without question but how do you intend on going all out and protect them at the same time?" His brother and advisor Gray asked, massaging his own temples to release at least some stress. 
"We have to put them someplace safe. Somewhere where she will not find them, while we fight her here." Now, short haired Mira leaned on her husband while watching their kids.
"Great. Anyone know a place?" Titania's husband asked, trying to calm his wife down.
"I.... might know of something....." Everyone looked down on Levy, who was redder than Erza's hair and chew her hair, as she presented an escape plan for their children.

"Lucy." Levy stepped in front of Erza and gently smiled at her blonde friend.
"I'm sorry, I know I promised not to say anything to anyone and to never visit but we really need your help." She pleaded and looked at the blue haired woman that appeared as soon as she heard Levy's voice.
"You mean, you and all of you and all of the kids behind you?" Lucy asked, still kind of out of the moment.
Juvia sighed before stepping to the door. "Come on Lu. At least let them through the door. It's cold today. And they are kind of getting an unwanted attention." Her voice lowered as she gestured to an old lady popping her nose out of her door.
Lucy sighed. "Fine. You guys come in." She stepped outside and watched as a large group of people filled with familiar faces entered her home.
Than she turned her head.
"Kindly Mind your own business Mrs. Stresshold!"
The old lady clicked her tongue. "And here I wondered where do the kids get their bad manner from!"
Lucy answered by slamming the door.

"Okay why don't you get on with the explaining." Lucy sighed as she sat on the bar stool in her kitchen with a view to her, now completely filled with people, living room.
Levy sighed. "Look I as I said I'm really sorry that I told others. But we really do need help and you two were the only ones I could think about."
"And the sentence, We never want to have to do anything with the guild matters again, didn't pop into your mind as you thought of us?" Juvia asked glaring at her.
"Okay fine, I'm going to pretend I'm fine with all this you two hiding and Levy being the only one knowing stuff...." Erza cut in between them and crossed her arms, "but we really need to cut to the chase if we don't want her finding out what we're up to."
Lucy glared at her before sighting again. "What is it?"
"We need a hiding place for our kids. Apparently you two are awesome at hiding." Evergreen faked smiled at the two owners of the house.
Levy glared at her and smiled at Lucy. "Lu-chan you and Juvia managed to hide from the whole magic community here in this town filled with people without magic for over 16 years now. But the magic life out there didn't stop. We still have to fight everyday. And we face opponents that sometimes and way too tough. Someone is targeting our children."
"We really need a place for them to hide until this is all over, so we don't have to worry about their safety." Mira said watching Juvia turn to Lucy.
Levy smiled a little. "You can understand right. Given everything."
Lucy glared at her but glanced over to Juvia.
Living all those years together, those two managed to talk to each other with simple glances.
"Under  circumstances." Said Lucy.
"You here, Erza, Levy, Evergreen and Mira, can be the only ones that know of this location." Juvia looked at each one as she said their names.
"You can have absolutely zero contact with them. No calls, no visits, no messages, nothing." Lucy said. "If we are doing this hiding thing, we gotta do it properly."
"Oh and one last thing." Juvia smiled. "No magic allowed!"
"I think we can work with that." Levy smiled as she turned to her fellow guild mates, and they all have their consent.
"Well now only one question remains." Juvia sighed looking at Lucy.
"What the hell are we supposed to tell those two?"

"Alright everyone pack up and get out." Said the teacher as the last bell of the day finally rang.
"I can't decide whether he is or I am happier that this class is over." Said about a 17 year old girl as she took her stuff and looked over to her best girlfriend.
A salmon, black lines in hair, haired girl chuckled at the remark. "I'll bet you that he is just as happy to get back to his smelly apartment and bunch of cats as you are for this night."
"Oh so you finally gonna let me hook you up with someone?" Asked the girl as they both went out their classroom to their lockers.
"No chance darling. Sorry but you have bad taste in guys."
"I so not! I have crush on Storm and you know it."
"As I said, bad taste in guys."
"Oh really?" Both girls turned their heads to the incoming two boys, one of them being the already mentioned Storm, none other then one of the most wanted guys on the school.
"As I said." The salmon girl sting her tongue out and he smacked her head with a book.
"Oh and Sierra?" Sierra turned her head to the last member of this tight crew Jax. "Hm?"
"The whole town knows you have a crush on Storm."
The four of them erupted into laughter as they left the building.

"I love those two."
"You know Nashi, you say that every time we part ways on our way home." Storm chuckled.
"Eh it's true."
"Oh by the by, I got a text from mom saying that she and Lu got something important to talk to us about."
Nashi rolled her eyes. "I'll bet you 20 bucks it's about all the girls you bring in."
Storm's mouth dropped "Nuh-uh. I'll take that bet saying that it's about you locked up in your room gaming all time."
Those two bickered like this the whole time until the got home.
"Oh look who's up." Nashi sighed and waved to the old lady.
"Hey Mrs. Stresshold. Looking positively dead this fine afternoon!" shouted Storm right at her and the two of them entered their house laughing.
That was until they found their Moms standing in the entrance arms crossed and a bunch of people sitting in the living room.
"Kids, we have something we would like to talk to you about." Said Juvia looking at those two.
The first one to break the silence that filled the whole house was Nashi as she nugged at Storm's arm.
"Is this a bad time to ask who won the bet?"

And Just like that....Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα