Being alive sucks

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Bakuhoe, Ejibro, Sebro, Pikapika, Futurewife,  Earlyroki, (Y/N)


Pikapika: do y'all blow
your food when its hot,
or just hashafashafsas till
you can chew it?

Futurewife: I blow on it

Ejibro: depends on
how much time I have!

Bakuhoe: I just eat it?

Earlyroki: Idk I haven't
had a proper meal
in 6 years

Sebro: hashafashafsas for sure

Me: of course I hashafashafsas
my way through the food

Me: I aint no fucking coward

Futurewife: ok so, if you'd get 50.000,
but the person you hate the most
would get 100.000,
would you take it?


Sebro: yeah I mean,
aint no way Im passing up 50.000

Pikapika: Gimme ma moneyyy

Earlyroki: noway, Im not giving
my enemy a chance to feel happy

Ejibro: I don't really hate anyone
so of course!

Me: hell yeah,
why wouldn't I want 150.000

Ejibro: (Y/N),
we talked about this

Me: haaah

Pikapika: oh right (Y/N),
I have two movie tickets

Me: Im happy for you,
you can go twice.

Sebro: F

Futurewife: F

Earlyroki: F

Pikapika: why did you
have to do me like that??????


Earlyroki: thats my whole life right there.

Sebro: you good bro

Me: no.
I feel fucking stressed out.

Bakuhoe: same tbh

Me: Im not myself lately

Me: Im fucking bitter as hell
instead of straight up annoying
with glitters everywhere

Pikapika: MOOD

Me: it kinda hurts when I do this

Futurewife: do what?

Me: exist.



Next week I might update everyday

And Im also gonna be starting with working on my webtoon stuff but thats gonna take a looooong ass time lol

Im still in huge trouble right now! I'll explain soon!

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