"Yeah it was great." Taehyung said, blinking away the tiredness in his eyes, which was begging him to go back to sleep.

"You fell asleep within fifteen minutes." Jungkook stated.

"I-I did? Why didn't you wake me?"

"You seemed comfy, so I felt bad to wake you," Jungkook pouted, "You know, you look like an angel when you sleep."

"Th-thanks," Taehyung mumbled, but was interrupted by the quiet creak of the door handle being twisted, "Hi, Dasomi."

"Hi, boys," Dasomi greeted with a hushed tone, "I've put a fresh duvet on the bed in the spare room for you to sleep in Taehyung. There's a couple of towels on the bed if you'd like to have a shower in the morning."

"Thank you." Taehyung lovingly smiled.

"Not a problem. Would it be okay if you both could head off to bed soon? I have work in the morning and I want to get a good nights sleep. Bedsides it is already fairly late." She requested and they both complied, slowly standing up from the sofa while cracking their backs.

She walked back upstairs, leaving the boys to get themselves to bed. Taehyung picked up his bag on the way and carried it upstairs.

"Are you fine to sleep in the spare room?" Jungkook sweetly asked.

"Of course! I'm not a baby," Taehyung insisted, following Jungkook up the stairs, his mother already shut in her bedroom, "Can I see your bedroom, though?"

"Sure," Jungkook allowed, leading him into an average sized room. It was quite neat neat, a navy blue and white theme running through it. His bed had a white duvet, matching the white headboard. The window had long, silky curtains, which just reached the light, wooden floor.

"I like it." Taehyung smiled, slowly walking round and studying everything.

When he turned around, he let out a screech, "Jungkook!"

"Hm?" He cluelessly hummed.

"Where's your top?" He whined, his eyes trailing down his toned body mindlessly. He couldn't help but admire the muscles on his shoulders and his abs. "Don't get a hard on again, Tae." He thought to himself, trying to control his body.

"I'm getting into my pyjamas, Taehyung." He claimed, using his hands to cover his naked upper body.

"S-sorry. I just didn't expect you to strip right next to me," Taehyung mumbled, scratching the back of his neck and wobbling on the spot, "Would you mind showing me the spare room?"

"Of course," Jungkook agreed, not bothering to put on a t-shirt because he liked receiving stares from the boy, being the cocky guy he was. The room was the next door down the hall from Jungkook's. He swung the door open and let Taehyung have a little wander around, "Is it okay?"

"Perfect." Taehyung smiled. He heard the door softly shut, so he turned around to take off his clothes to change into his pyjamas. He pulled down his jeans and his eyes went wide when he felt his butt get slapped hard.

"That was the last one, I promise." Jungkook laughed, immediately getting chased around the bedroom by Taehyung, who was pulling his jeans back up.

"You're so annoying!" Taehyung pouted, giving up when he couldn't catch him and taking his wash bag out of his rucksack. He entered the en suite, while getting followed by Jungkook, "What do you want?" Taehyung asked, beginning to brush his teeth.

"I'm waiting for you to brush your teeth so I can tuck you into bed." Jungkook explained, an innocent expression portrayed across his cheeky face. Taehyung's heart fluttered yet again.

A couple of minutes had passed and Taehyung was packing his used toothbrush and toothpaste back into the bag.

"Can you cover your eyes while I change, please? And no spanking," He requested. When Jungkook nodded and covered his eyes, he managed to successfully get into his pyjamas in peace. He moved the folded towels off of the bed and crawled into bed, snuggling into the cold duvet, "You can uncover your eyes now." He giggled.

Jungkook uncovered them when Taehyung allowed him to and then made his way to sit on the bed next to him. He stroked Taehyung's hair soothingly as his eyes fluttered shut, allowing him to observe his angelic features for a moment or two.

"You're really pretty." Jungkook blurted out without thinking.

Taehyung's sleepy doe eyes opened and innocently peered up at Jungkook, "Thank you, Kook. You are pretty, too."

"I'm not pretty." He disagreed, laying his head on the pillow next to Taehyung as he turned to face him.

"You are really pretty." Taehyung sleepily repeated, his eyes struggling to stay open.

"Good night, Taehyung. Sleep well." Jungkook whispered with a smile, pressing a soft kiss onto his forehead, before turning off the lights and heading into his own room.


His Eyes ¦ taekookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora