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"Smell this."

"No," Taehyung replied in disgust, peering down at the brown slop Seokjin suddenly put under his nose.

"Just take a sniff."


"Come on! Just a little whiff?"

"I said no!"

"I worked so hard on it, though." He said with glossy eyes.

"Hmph...fine," Taehyung replied as he finally gave in, "Actually, it smells pretty tasty, what is it?"

"It's curry! I just made it in Food Tech class." Seokjin exclaimed proudly, taking another sniff from the container in his hands. Before he could take any more sniffs from his creation, he saw two veiny hands come into his view and snatch his curry from his grasp, along with the lid which was lying on the desk.

"Hey! Give me back my curry!" He blurted out loudly, gaining the whole classes attention.

"Seokjin," the teacher began, placing the curry on her desk before pinching the bridge of her nose, "why on Earth do you have curry in the science lab? You know the rules - you can't eat or drink in the lab!" She exclaimed tiredly. She had already told him countless times before that he couldn't keep bringing food that he made into class.

"I wasn't gonna eat it, though."

"By opening the lid, the food could become contaminated from the chemicals and that can make you seriously ill."

"Chemicals my ass. I want my curry back." He sassily replied with his hand stretched forward for the teacher to put the container of curry into, making the class quietly laugh at his behaviour.

"Seokjin go and stand outside the class, I'll come out and speak to you in a second." She said with so much ease it was obvious that she had sent him out before. Seokjin sulked out of the class while mumbling something under his breath about how the teacher is so unfair.

Once the door closed the class bit their tongue incase any giggles slipped out because they knew full well that the teacher wouldn't hesitate to send them out too if they laughed. They could see Seokjin pressing his face against the glass circle on the door, enjoying the view of the humorous boy's nose bending on the window in different ways.

She briefly showed everyone in the class how to do an experiment to test for starch, completely oblivious of the performance Seokjin was doing behind her back. Luckily, it was a fairly simple experiment so Taehyung didn't feel the need to jot down any steps because he had already memorised it all. As he was getting the equipment needed for the practical, he saw the teacher approach him.

"Taehyung, since Seokjin is going to get sent to another class, could you work with a student who was sent out of their class to here, instead?"

"U-uhm. Sure." He nervously replied.

"If he's any trouble please don't hesitate to come and tell me, I know how much of a handful boys your age can be," she softly spoke, "Jungkook come here. Taehyung will be your partner!"

With that, she turned around and left the two boys together to go and talk to Seokjin. Since Taehyung was really shy, his face turned tomato red and he refused to make any eye contact with the boy. Jungkook placed his rucksack on the floor next to Taehyung's, however as soon as he looked up at Taehyung, he noticed how bright the colour of his cheeks had become.

His Eyes ¦ taekookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora