Michael was a pro at fixing cars and could make the crappest one in the world to look decent, or bring it back to life from it's dead state.

"Let's go then." I said getting up from the couch excitedly. I grabbed my jacket, as so did Michael and Ashton, and then we left the flat.


We arrived at the abandoned area of the city and was happy to see it free from any of the others. We shared it with a bunch of others who where also like us but went to different schools. We had come to an agreement that anyone could use it but it had to be left in the way it was founded.

Most of the time we didn't see them as they came here late at night but when we did, we didn't talk much to each other. It was more of a civil unspoken agreement.

The den, as most of us liked to call it was made up off many different sections. First of all there was the main area, more like a abandoned warehouse that everyone hung out in. Then there was the huge race track outside and lastly there was a desolated lake. The lake was placed a bit further than the warehouse but hardly anyone knew about it except from us so it was a good escape.

"Luke you can ride with me." Michael said and I nodded. Normally we had four cars but there where only two currently working right now. Both of the others getting destroyed in previous races. Michael had said that he would fix them but still hadn't got round to it.

We both got into our chosen car and Ashton got into his. The sun was just setting, giving it a perfect atmosphere.

"How much?" Ashton asked, his car window coming down. It was only normal for us to race for money, what was the point of it if we didn't?

"50 bucks." Michael replied.

"Oh come on, a little bit more than that." Ashton said like it was nothing.

"Fine a hundred." I said with an eye roll and he nodded his head in approval.

"That's more like it."


Both the engines of the cars roared to life as the stood side by side on the race track.

"Luke's counting." Michael said and I nodded, it was only fair.

"On the count of three. One, two, three!" I said loudly and then they where both off. Michael drove like a maniac, making the car speed up, way way faster than the speed it was created for.

About ten seconds into the race and we where ahead of Ashton. The track had some twists and turns making the raced rougher.

"Watch out for the big turn." I instructed Michael. We where coming up for the sharpest turn of all and your drift had to be on point if you wanted to achieve turning successfully. Lots of accidents had happened here and you needed to be careful.

"Yeah don't worry," he brushed off, both his hands on the wheel and concentrating on the road.

His concentrate didn't last though as when we reached the big turn his drift wasn't quick enough, making the car chip off on the side of the track and hurtle towards the warehouse.

"Oh shit." Michael shouted as he tried to brake but only turned the car on the side, the exact same side I was closest to the side of the warehouse.

Before he or I could say anything else, the car banged into the wall. A loud crash to be heard from miles away. My heart thudded frantically as I came into impact with the side of my door, the entire side of my body connecting with the side of the car.

The car window on my side, which was up, smashed loudly at the impact and I groaned in pain as I felt all the tiny bits of glass on me.

Everything froze and Michael started to shout a trail of curses.

"Shit! Oh my god, man are you okay?" He asked me, getting out the car and coming to my side. He helped me out the car and I nodded. I could manage to stand so that meant not serious harm was done, just a few scratches here and there.

I carefully brushed of the glass on my shirt and just then Ashton, came running towards us.

"Wow that was a big blow, you okay Luke?" He asked me and I nodded with a small smile.

"I'm fine but I'm glad there's not much damage on the wall, it's just the car." I said, looking at the wall of the warehouse that just a dent in it. Only noticeable if you looked closely.

"I'll fix that in no time." Michael said and just as soon as he said that my neck started to throb like shit. I groaned in pain, my hand rubbing at the back of my neck.

"What's wrong Luke?" Ashton asked, worried.

"I dunno, it just started hurting all a sudden." I told him truthfully.

"You must need your soulmate then. If you where really injured it would be normal to feel that way but you said your not, so that's just weird." He said with an unsure tone.

"Yeah. I saw Sophie earlier today, so the distance thing isn't it, but then why?" I asked him confused. The pain was incredible and it needed to stop as soon as possible.

"I really don't know but the only thing you should do now, is go to your soulmate." He advices me and I nodded.

That would definitely make me feel better.


Hey guys, did you like this chapter? sorry if I'm shit at writing Luke's POV it's just I find it so hard to do it from a guys perspective and point of view. Cause I'm obviously not a dude.
Lol, hope you all had a good week so far and please don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW and check out my other book Tutor me mr cutie. You guys are the best readers ever and I love how you nearly have got me 4k reads when I only have 13 chapters now uploaded.

I love you's all so much.

Nisha x

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