Finally, Ellie woke up with a whole lot of energy. She was running around and jumping on everything. After a while she got Lux in on the fun which was a crazy combo. We could not handle two young children practically bouncing off the walls. Eventually it was almost concert time. Ellie had calmed down, but was still wide awake.

      I watched as Paul took her hand and they walked to wear they could watch the concert. The headphones seemed to cover half her head. I looked over and saw Niall snapping a picture of the two.


    Paul took me the place where I could see the stage and lifted me up. Suddenly loud music started to play and I saw Micheal, Luke, Callum, and Ashton on the stage. So many girls were screaming. I saw Luke wave at me and I waved excitedly back. Suddenly they started singing and they sounded really good.

     After they sang for a while they disappeared.

    "Is it over already?" I whined to Paul.

      He laughed and said "not even close".

     Then, he pointed to the stage. I followed where his finger was and saw Liam, Niall, Louis, Harry, and Zayn.

     "Look that's Liam, Niall, Louis, Harry, and Zayn!!" I exclaimed to Paul.

    He smiled and nodded at me. I watched in awe as they sang and jumped around the stage.

     "That's what I'm gonna do when I grow up" I stated to Paul.

    He smiled at me and nodded again. Then they stopped singing and started talking. I saw Harry point to me and i waved. He smiled and waved back. Then I looked up and saw my face on a big screen hanging from the ceiling. I tapped on Paul's shoulder and pointed to the screen and then the screen showed me pointing. I laughed and made a funny face and the screen mimicked me.

     After a while they took me off the screen and the boys started singing again. I watched as they started to sing the last song and then the screen started showing numbers. Before I even knew what was happening I saw tons of colorful explosions  go off in the sky. I stared up at them and watched as they faded into the night sky. When I looked back to the stage the boys weren't there anymore.

    After that Paul carried me backstage where all the boys were.


      As we walked off stage I saw Ellie running towards us.

     "Hazza did you see all the colorful explosions!" She gushed, "and I was on the big tv thing and I made faces and then I saw Luke and Micheal and Ashton and Callum and they all played music. And guess what they sang about underwear" she burst out laughing about the last part.

      I chuckled at her as she continued to talk about the concert while we walked to the car. It was not going to be an easy task to get her to sleep tonight, luckily we were at a hotel. Once we got to the car I buckled her into the car seat between Louis and I. Paul was driving and Niall, Liam, and zayn were squeezed into the back seats.

   "What was your favorite song, love?" Louis asked.

    "Umm", Ellie crinkled her eyebrows in concentration as she thought of her answer, " I liked the one about tea or the one about the showers". She finally decided.

     "Little things and Over again?" I asked.

    She shrugged and played with her fingers. She has recently learned to count to six and it was her new favorite thing.

     "Hazza can I have your phone" Ellie whined.

   I handed my phone over to her grabby hands and leaned my head back against the seat. Before I knew It we were at the hotel. Ellie handed me my phone back and I saw that she had sent texts to multiple people. Of course they were all gibberish, but I was going to have to explain them to a lot of people.

     There were a lot of fans outside the hotel, so I was thankful that Paul was with us. We managed to get inside and to the lobby to check in.


    I held Ellie as we rode the lift up to our room. Once we got into the room it was decided that Ellie would stay with me. As I walked to our bedroom Ellie was wide awake.

     "Hey Zaynie?" She said in a questioning tone.


     "What does bitch mean?"

       My head immediately snapped towards her as she looked at me with those big blue eyes.

       "Liam!" I called out, maybe he will know what to do.

     He came barging into the room in a pair of grey sweatpants.

    "What's up mate?" He asked.

    "Ellie tell Liam your question" I instructed.

     She started to play with her hands and twirl her hair around her fingers.

      "What does bitch mean?" She asked quietly.

   Liam's mouth dropped open as he stared at Ellie. Slowly he approached the bed and sat next to Ellie.

    "Where did you hear that word Ellie" he asked.

    "I don't know" she quickly replied and started to twirl her hair more.

    Liam loosely grabbed a hold of her hands and made her look him in the eyes.

    "Ellie" he tried again.

     "Someone yelled it at me when we were outside" Ellie quickly said.

     Immediately after she broke down and ran out of the room. I followed after but couldn't find her until I heard sniffles coming from Harry's room. I walked in and saw Ellies face buried into Harry's chest and a very confused Harry trying to comfort her.

    "They are gonna be mad at me for asking" she cried.

     "What did you ask" Harry pried for a response.

       She shook her head and cried harder. I walked over and placed my hand on her back as Liam walked in. Ellie looked up at us with puffy eyes and a red face from crying.

   "I'm sorry" she hiccuped.

    "You shouldn't have to apologize" Liam stated, "nobody should have said that word to you in the first place."

     "Is it a bad word?" She asked.

     Liam nodded at her and she put her head down.

      "I didn't mean to say it, I didn't know it was bad" she immediately replied.

    "It's ok, just don't say it again. I understand"

   She nodded as a few more tears spilled down her cheeks. By this time Louis and Niall has found their way into the room and looked quite confused.

     I walked over and picked Ellie up, "it's been a long day, so we are going to bed" I announced.

    Ellie nestled her head into my neck and gripped my shirt. I grabbed monkey out of her bag and handed him to her as I laid her down in bed.

   "Goodnight Ellie" I whispered.

(A/N ok so I decided not to elaborate on Ellies dad because when I tried it just sounded so much like other fan fics and my goal was to make this as original as possible. So instead of going off and having her get kidnapped or something i just decided to get him out of the story for now. Hope you still enjoy the story!! It's far from over.)

Ellie's story ... A One Direction Adoption Story Where stories live. Discover now