Chapter 3: I Want To Be More Than This...

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(Miku's Pov)

I fluttered my eyes open to the sun shining through the living room window. I sighed and groaned as I turned the other way and shoved my head in my pillow not wanting to wake up at all. Bang chuckled which made my ears twitch and tail thump a bit. I hate the mornings and waking up, not to mention I get a bit irritated in the morning. Mornings aren't my thing, never have been, never will.

I sighed as I looked up at Bang who leaned against the wall while drinking his coffee, I sighed and groaned "don't you have better things to do than watch me sleep?" I asked groggily as I smushed my face in my pillow, wishing I could sleep forever. Bang chuckled as my ears twitched to the sound of the kitchen cabinet opening and the sound of coffee being poured, assuming Bang was getting me some. I smiled a little and rolled my eyes as I sat up and rubbed my head and eyes tiredly.

My ears twitched a bit to the slightest of sounds outside or around this apartment complex. I can normally ignore it all but people these days aren't exactly quiet, not to mention we all live with heroes and monsters's loud each and everyday. I sighed as Bang handed me a cup of coffee. I smiled a little and thank him. I sipped my coffee as my tail wagged a bit making Bang chuckle a little, I glared at him a bit.

He sat next to me on the couch. I couldn't help but think for a minute. I've been thinking a lot about the heroes, monsters and myself lately. I always imagined that I could be more than what Dr. Douchebag made me into. More than some Kitten Project, I can save people, kick ass with my new abilities and senses, maybe be able to be a hero and not some freak with anger issues.

I want to walk around and not be afraid to show my ears and tail, to not have to hide and pretend each and everyday, to have people not look at me weirdly or with disgust and fear...I want people to look at me and think or say that I'm a hero and not some freak, abomination and Kitten Project #10..."What are you thinking about?" Bang asked which snapped me from my thoughts. I blinked a few times and sighed as I shook my head and rubbed my face tiredly.

I sipped my coffee and looked at Bang "what?" I asked, he chuckled "You spaced out, meaning you're thinking of something. What is it?" He asked, I sighed, do I really wanna tell him? I'll only bother him because there's like no there? "Miku, you know you can tell me anything" He stated, I sighed, might as well since he knows something's up and god knows I'm terrible at lying, Bang is also smarter than you think "You used to work at the Dojo, right?" I asked, I forgot to mention my grandfather is also a master at Martial Arts.

Him and some other guy owned a Dojo not far from here and would be there training with others until one of his old students kinda flipped out and because Bang is old #sorrynotsorry, he lost mainly everyone so he quit. Bang sighed "I did" he stated, I opened my mouth trying to think of what to say "D-do you think you can train me?" I asked, Bang furrowed his eyebrows a bit "Train you?" He asked, my eyes furrowed sadly a bit "Train me to do what you do" I stated,

Bang thought for a moment and sighed "Miku-" He started, "Listen, listen, I know that the shit you do is dangerous, I get that and I know every hero old/young whatever trains their ass off and knows the risk of battling those monsters and some getting severely injured or close to death. I get that but look at me. If I didn't survive Genus experiments, I wouldn't be here meaning I survived and I'm stronger like you said. I've been near death for years! But I'm still here kicking because you helped me through it. I'm asking you as a granddaughter, a friend, a student to train me to fight like you do and I'll work and train on my own cat senses in the progress" I pleaded,

Bang sighed "Where's this coming from Miku?" he asked, I sighed as my ears flatten a bit "I just want to be more than what that douche created. I want to be a hero; I don't want to hide and be afraid of what people think of me. I don't want to be like this anymore. I want people to think of me as a hero like you" I stated as I sipped my coffee a bit.

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