Chapter 8: B-Boyfriend?

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(Miku's Pov)

After me and Bang got home, we had some lunch and I had some downtime before Tatsu and Fubuki come over to kill me with dressing up and makeup...ugghgh I am so not a girly girl. I swear to god if I see one dress. I'm gonna walk out and beat someone.

So for my downtime in the meantime, I played some videogames and read a bit. I couldn't help but think about my date thought... 'I mean what do I do? What do I say? Does he know about my story? Do I tell him? Oh god. I've never done this before. What do I do? What do I do? I've never been on a date, had a boyfriend, had my first kiss, god I'm gonna mess everything up. Say something wrong, slip up and sat the wrong thing...oh god, oh god...UGH!!' I overthought,

I growled slightly as I felt my tail thump across the floor. I grabbed my hair and shook my head a bit "Miku" I heard Bang say, I looked at him and blinked a few times "Your tail is thumping. Nervous about your date?" He asked smirking slightly.

I growled and glared at him, "Don't make fun of me Bang, I'm freaking out! I don't know what to do on dates, what am I supposed to say? What am I supposed to do? Does he know my story? Do I tell him my story? What do I do?" I asked nervously as my heart pounded nervously and hands started to shake a bit.

Bang sighed as he sat next to me on the couch and pet my head. I smiled and purr slightly "First you need to relax, I understand this is nerve-racking Miku but don't worry, you are an amazing, strong, beautiful, wonderful young lady, you're going to be just fine. You have Tatsumaki and Fubuki to help you so don't overthink it" Bang said,

I sighed and rolled my eyes "That's easier said than done Grandpa, what am I supposed to say?" I asked, "Anything. Whatever is on your mind or what you're thinking about. You can tell him however much or little you want to" He said, I sighed "Does he know my story?" I asked, Bang sighed "When you ran out, I told the others your story. I know it wasn't my story to tell but you can trust them Miku, they're on your side." Bang admitted,

Okay...that made me kinda pissed but I guess I can see why he did, so I wasn't going to hold it against him. I sighed a bit as my ears flattened "Is this out of pity then? This date?" I asked suddenly feeling insecure about everything. Bang shook his head "Of course not Miku, Badd is not that kind of boy. He's a good guy Miku, give him a chance" Bang said then rubbed my head. I smiled softly and purred which made Bang chuckle.

There was a knock on the door making me smile and roll my eyes as I got up and went to answer to see it was Tatsu and Fubuki. I'm not as close with her as I am with Tatsu but she's cool "Hey girls" I said, they smiled "Miku, good to see you again" Fubuki asked, I smiled a little and nodded "You too Fubuki" I said as I let them in my apartment and went to grab a hat to hide my ears while stuffing my tail in my pants.

When I finished, I headed out of the room seeing the girls talking to Bang, "Ready?" Tatsu asked, I smiled and nodded as we headed out of the apartment and to well...somewhere...I wasn't even sure what the plans were for shopping "So how have you been Miku?" Fubuki asked, I shrugged "all over the place but I'm guessing Tatsu kept you up to date because apparently she likes to tell everyone everything I say to her" I said and glared at her.

She smirked and shrugged which made me roll my eyes. Fubuki laughed a bit "I swear to god girls, if I see one dress or heels, I'm scratching you both" I stated, they laughed "Don't worry Kitty, it's not even a fancy date anyways, we just thought you could use a little make over because no offense kitty, sweats and all black isn't working for you and you're going out with Badd, he's a tough guy meaning you need to be a tough kitty so we need to make you look as sexy and badass as possible" Tatsu explained,

My face flushed as I sighed and rolled my eyes which made the girls chuckle as we headed to the mall where they dragged me to pretty much everywhere. They had me try on so many things I would never wear, but of course they insisted on sexy lingerie and some sexy clothes that exposed so much skin, oh boy, this was going to be a disaster...why did I agree to this again?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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