Here in my arms is where you belong,

Our two hearts beating to the same song.*

He smiled at his work before getting down to writing an actual letter. There were some tourist photos he'd already had printed out he planned on sending her so those were going in this package as well as one of his more well-worn shirts. And not one fans saw. 'I hope she likes this package.' he sighed. He hated sneaking around and he definitely hated not knowing where his girl was and who had her.

"Morning guys! We were just going to go find some breakfast. Any suggestions, Kalene? Since this is your home turf?" Rob asked.

"The Bacon Bit Grille is pretty good. Y'all can follow me whoever can't fit into my rental." She smiled at the teddy bear of a man.

"Wow. You look so... different." Ericha hugged her.

"This is pretty much me back in high school." She chuckled, "Most of the idiots I knew back then still dress this way. I figured the best way to find my prey was to look like I did back then. It worked so..."

"I dig it. You look great!" Georgia smiled as she gave the tour mom a hug.

"Thanks. Sometimes I cringe thinking about how I dressed." She laughed, "Well, let's get going. I'm starving."

Tim, Chance, Sami, and Luke piled into Kalene's truck. Adam, Ericha, Rob, Kelsey, Austin and Georgia piled into one of the SUV's that Luke had rented. Kalene drove calmly, doing the speed limit, following all the laws, to the restaurant. Tim was almost surprised at how she was driving. She was much calmer than she had been last night. 'How could she be so calm? What if Ted rushes to move Genesis from wherever he's holding her?' Tim thought as he held the door open for his wife and all the ladies.

"Kalene? Kalene Mercer?" An elderly gentleman asked as he looked over his newspaper.

"Yeah. Who's asking?" She crossed her arms over her chest making the rest of her group watch the interaction intently.

"Come back to cause more trouble, did ya?" He huffed.

"No. I came back to find my kidnapped daughter. I left this rathole with the intention of never stepping foot back here. Believe me, once I find my kid, we're never coming back here again." She snapped, "Now kindly fuck off and leave me alone!"

"Who the hell was that?" Austin asked earning a jab to his ribs from his wife.

"You don't normally speak to people that way, Kalene." Luke started.

"You're gonna see a side of me you've never seen before guys. Including me talking to people that way. Get used to it while we're here." She stated as she stared at her menu.

"So. We thought we'd divide up and search for Genesis. We'll split into three groups. Where would you suggest we search?" Chance asked, trying to cool the rising tension.

Kalene sat there thinking back to the group she rolled with. One guy kept coming back to her mind. He was Ted's cousin but she couldn't recall his name. The waitress recalled Kalene when she got to their table but Kalene acted more sweetly to her than the old man.

"Excuse me miss. Do you remember the name of Ted Mays' cousin? The one he was so close with in high school?" Kalene quietly asked after she took the large group's drink order.

"Sure. Quentin Mays. Still lives in the same trailer too." The waitress replied.

"Could I have his address? If you don't mind?" Kalene calmly and sweetly asked.

"Sure. Let me get this drink order put in and I'll bring it to you." She replied with a smile.

Kalene was hoping she wasn't going to warn Quentin that she was inquiring about him or that she was asking for his address. She needed the element of surprise. As the waitress brought their drinks, she also brought Quentin's address. Kalene thanked her before handing the piece of paper with his address written on it to Luke.

I've Seen 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें