26. Take Off

430 35 15

Sabrina Carpenter- Why

One Direction- Strong

The Weeknd- Earned It

Damien's POV

The doorbell rings and I open the door to see Jane.

"What are you doing here?" I ask. She walks past me as I get the words out and frowns at the suitcase besides the door.

"Where you going?" She asks.

"None of your business. And I'm the one who asked first."

She rolls her eyes. "I came to see you. But it looks like you're occupied." She glances at the suitcase and then back to me.

"I'll be gone for a few days."



She frowns. "You're being secretive. What are you hiding?"

"Nothing," I protest.

She narrows her eyes. "Who are you going with?"

"Hope," I answer. No point in trying to lie. Besides, why would I? Hope is my girlfriend and if she have a problem with that, then she can fucking deal with it.

She scoffs. "You've never done anything nice for me. Or anyone else. Is it that serious? Or you just want her for the money?"

"You know damn well I can get my money elsewhere," I snap. It's true. Half of my friends are drug dealers. It wouldn't be too hard to join the business. "Don't come up in here talking all that shit to me."

She looks taken aback. "Relax."

"Don't tell me to relax." I know she couldn't possibly think I was with Hope for the money. It was obviously jealousy.

"I'm sorry." She walks towards me and places her hand on my cheek. She peers up at me though her lashes and bites her lip. "Forgive me?" Before I know it, she grabs my cock and I gasp in surprise.

"Jane, what are you doing?" I find it hard to concentrate.

"Come on," She coax. "I know you miss me." I reluctantly shove her hand away. "Don't be such a prude."

"I can't," I force out.

"You mouth is saying one thing but your body..." She eyes my erection.

"You need to leave."

"I won't tell anyone," She whispers. She leans in and I close my eyes.

What the hell am I doing?

I turn my face away and her lips graze my cheek. I push her shoulders. "You need to leave," I repeat. "Now."

She twists her mouth and I can tell she's fighting back tears. "You know I love you and you just play around and lead me on."

I sigh. "Jane, you want me for the wrong reasons."

"That's not true."

"You want me because I saved you from your boyfriend."

She shakes her head. "I love you because you're the only that cares about me."

"I told you, Jane. There's nothing between us but sex. I do care about you, but that doesn't mean I have feelings."

She frowns, her eyes glistening with tears. "You know what? Fuck you. Don't come running to me when she finally sees the asshole you really are. I'm the only one who will ever truly love you." The door slams and I close my eyes in frustration. I run a hand through my hair before grabbing the suitcase and leaving the house.

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