14. Escape

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A/N: Views may be off because, like I mentioned before, I rewrote this a long while ago and rearranged the chapters.
By the way, for anyone who doesn't know, a motorcade is basically a line/group of cars.

Shawn Mendes- If I Can't Have You

Astrid S- When Love Takes Over

Grace Vanderwaal- Waste My Time

Once Direction- Strong

Taylor Swift- Call It What You Want

Damien's picture ^

I close my hands around it before I hear a sharp sound past my ears. I frown and look up. There's something black indented on the wall. I move closer and touch it. My eyes widen. A bullet.

How the hell did a bullet get in there?

Suddenly, I see a red light moving on the wall. I quickly turn around to see a small hole through the window. The sound of my yelling are muffled when the window shatters, sending glass shards everywhere. The sharp sounds of bullets are deafening as they tore through the open space.

A week ago...

Damien's POV

"You barely come to my parties anymore," Carlos complains for the millionth time.

I shrug, even though he can't see me. "I don't feel like partying so much anymore. It's not a big deal."

"Not a big deal? You used to come to my parties every single week and now you only came to, like, three this year!"

"You're fucking dramatic, man. We still hang out, it's not that serious."

"You always ditching us for that girl. You in love or something?"

"None of your business." Carlos takes this as confirmation and howls in laughter. I pull away from the phone so that the screeching doesn't burst my eardrums.

I text Hope, telling her Carlos is making fun of me about her again. "Did you not hear me?" I hear Carlos ask.


"I'll bet your whipped ass a hundred dollars that you're texting her right now."

I roll my eyes. "I'll see you later."

"See? You're so whipped! You owe me!" I hear his laughter through the phone before I hang up. My annoyance disappears when I see a text from Hope.

Carlos voice rings in my ears. You're so whipped.

Can a guy just love a girl in peace? Damn.

Hope's POV

Tonight is my parent's anniversary and I'm sitting on my mother's bed while she brags about how my father is taking her to the family cabin for a special dinner he had planned. It was a three-night stay but you'd think otherwise by the size of her suitcase.

My phone vibrates and I pull it from my pocket to check for the incoming text.

Hey baby ;)

I type out a reply: Thank you for the rose and the note. I love it. Didn't get a chance to tell you that yesterday ♥️♥️

Of course not. You was too busy sticking your tongue down my throat

"Why are you smiling at your phone? Is that Damien?" My mom asks as she folds her clean clothes and put aside options for the cabin trip. She practically forced the maids out of her room so she can do it while "having a girl chat" with me. But really, she just wanted my opinion on what to wear and she knew they'd go crazy by the time she's decided.

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