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southern lights

The fire crackled heavenly in the centre of the tent, warming the empty cushions as the smoke escaped out of the roof. An old woman stands hunched over a pot by the fire, stirring with a frown of determination. The flaps move with the wind as a young woman steps through the folds with some wet firewood. Her eyes widen before a frown quickly takes over her beautifully tan features. Freckles litter her flushed cold cheeks and red button nose.

"Gran Gran!" The old woman sat up startled with a look of shock at the sound of her granddaughter before it was replaced with a disgruntled frown. Instantly the young woman's hands guided the old woman by her elbows to seat her Gran Gran on a nearby warmed floor cushion.

"I said I would take care of dinner and you should just relax." She scolded her grandmother before quickly checking the stew that bubbled noisily over the fire. Gran Gran let out a huff of defiance as she glanced over at her granddaughter, "Well I got bored and you left."

"Well maybe we can play a game while we eat dinner?" She offered her grandmother taking a sip of the stew. Her nose crinkling in slightly disgust at such a salty taste, "Katara and Sokka should be back soon from their fishing trip. Maybe some fresh fish with dinner hm?"

"Well I hope they hurry before your stew kills me," grumbled Gran Gran. Her granddaughter who had been attempting at making the stew less salty strained to here what her grandmother was trying to say, "What was that Gran Gran?"

"Oh nothing dear, just the wind!" Called the grandmother glancing towards the flapping of the tent opening, "What is taking those kids so long?"

"Hm? They shouldn't be too much longer. They left this morning–"

"Lelo? Lelo look outside! Right now!" Gran Gran wasted no time getting to her feet, grabbing Lelo's hand as she tugs her forcefully outside. Lelo has no chance of wondering what was happening because as soon as she was tugged out of the tent her eyes were blinded by a giant light shooting into the sky. Her first thought was of Katara and Sokka.

"What does that mean Gran Gran?" She asked watching as the sky burned with blue light.

"I don't know, little one." She replied staring off as the light slowly diminishes. Lelo couldn't help the feeling of foreboding in her stomach. Gran Gran let out a grunt before slowly returning back to the tent to let her fend for herself. Lelo noticed other villagers watching the light and turning to her with questions. Gathering around her in a semi-circle.

"Did you see that?"
"What does that mean?"
"I've never seen that before."

"Could it be the fire nation?" Someone voiced through the crowd, a mother replied of this query as she clutched her child closer to her, "We have no more warriors. We can't fight back!"

"No, please, everyone calm down. The fire nation has no reason to come here, we don't have to fear anything at the moment. We are safe. I'm sure it's just the northern lights. We are no threat to them regardless. Please, I promise everything will be fine. Enjoy your dinner." Lelo told them. The villagers disbanded with murmurings before finally returning to their tents and the dark drew closer. The embers of the large fire in the middle of the village crackled. Night was falling and her siblings had yet to return. With a sigh she returned to the tent ready to fix to stew and found Gran Gran crouched over it once more.

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