'Hotness Essay'

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My friends say that Rowan Whitethorn and Lorcan Salvaterre are less attractive than Rhysand, so I wrote them an essay showing them that they are WRONG.


Throughout all of Sarah J Maas's books, unreasonably gorgeous fae males are introduced to us as either the main or main minor characters. However, most take favourites and claim that one is more beautiful than the others. In this essay, I will be discussing why Rowan, Rhysand and Lorcan are of equal hotness.

First I will discuss Rhysand. Rhysand is the main male character of A Court of Thorns and Roses. In the Kingdom of Ash, Rhys is described as 'A beautiful winged male'. He has a broad figure, tan skin and Illyrian tattoos covering his chest. His eyes are a deep violet colour and his hair is black. His high status in the book series gives another level of hotness to him. He is constantly shown as one of the most attractive characters in the series.

Next is Rowan. According to most statistics, Green eyes on males are the most attractive colour, which just so happens to be Rowans eye colour. Most people also prefer blond over any other hair colour, and Rowan has platinum coloured hair. He too has a warrior figure and has tattoos running down the left side of his face and chest. These tattoos could be compared to those of the Maori. However, the deep contrast from his white hair, tanned skin and green eyes give him the look of a foreigner, which is usually a very attractive quality. As well as that, Rowan has a very high status, being both a Prince and a Leader of a Warrior army. Naturally, people are attracted to those who have high status, similar to Rhysand. Rowan's protective, rude-but-loving attitude also increases his overall hotness.

Finally, I will be discussing Lorcan. Lorcan is also a warrior, accompanied by a very broad frame. Lorcan is your typical Bad Boy, which is usually very attractive for most people. Lorcan has shoulder-length dark hair, which most people find unattractive. However, Jason Momoa has long hair, and no one seems to be complaining about his hair length. So, why should Lorcan face the same hate? The answer, he shouldn't. His onyx hair is accompanied by black irises, which again reinforces that bad boy attitude. Lorcan is also very caring for the one he loves, such as when he gave up his immortality for Elide and others similar (if you need more examples, ask me). Lorcan's last name is Salvaterre, however, when he married Elide, he became Lord Lorcan Lochan, which gives him the ability to have a cute demeanour.

In conclusion, Rowan, Rhysand and Lorcan are without doubt attractive characters. However, when it comes to who takes the number one spot, the answer is none of them. Each of the fae males possesses qualities that make them attractive. All three of these characters have completely different aesthetics and looks, yet this does not make any of them less attractive. Overall, Rhysand, Rowan and Lorcan are all equally attractive, regardless of the certain features that may make them look less desirable in some peoples eyes. 

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