The wind slaps my cold skin making me shiver intensely as I jump off the bike and run as fast as I could towards him

Through the bigness of the place I continue to run and ask everyone and describe his features but I get nothing, my body feels so tired and limp as if it was going to shut down any second now

But I need to find him

And so it must have already been an hour while walking through the place without a single clue of him

My body gave up, slowly slumping down on the floor I wipe off my sweat. He probably left already so I guess fuck my effort and energy, fuck you Yoongi

"I can't feel my feet"

I lean against the wall while catching my breath, I think it's time, time to tell him about what I feel. I can't waste Jimin's tears for nothing

It's finally time to get that scorching feeling inside of me, how can I find him? I went to all of the places here except for... "the love locks"

My adrenaline rushes in as I jolted up and once again drain my energy as I once again run as fast as I could to that place

My body was giving up on me but I have to get to him and tell him how much he's affecting my insides.

I couldn't breathe anymore, my chest was heaving up and down in a violent way, I was feeling teary so much, tears were pleading and begging to come out of my eyes

I shut my eyes violently in attempt to prevent them from stopping me, my feet was aching as I see the destination that I've sacrificed for

And when I do I place a hand on my knee while trying to catch my breath, the coldness of the air was calling out to me when my eyes set upon my main priority


He was there, standing there at the cold night just as Jimin said, a single man that stood there with a scene that shattered my heart into a million of shards, paining my whole body and heart

Yoongi...Together with a girl

While limping my way towards a nearby bush I hide while massaging the area by my heart, I was close, so close to be caught and heard earlier

She was beautiful unlike me,
long and wavy hair, clear skin, and beautiful eyes. She was a goddess while I was trash. She was looking at Yoongi the way I gape at him

She was more devoted to him

Yoongi, he was staring at her eyes as well. But something was off not to be boastful. But he looked blank and soul less. The way he stood in front of her was so dull and weak

Eyes dead from all the agony and guilt, I shouldn't feel all assuming but he wasn't looking at her the way he looks at me

"Yoongi.." she breathes out enough for me to hear, desperately, she takes a hold of his hand which surprisingly he doesn't reject for

He was in love with someone else all this time?

It hurts so bad to think that we had something mutual between our hearts, but sadly it was only a kalopsia

I thought I was his only princess, his only flower in a garden, oh stupid me, have you seen a garden with only one flower?

"Yoongi..I've been wanting to tell you this for so long.." she shakingly pauses, I take a peek and see him in tears. he wasn't shaking, he wasn't making any sound just tears washing down to the floor

He was hurting but why? she leans closer and smiles forcefully at him "I love you.." finally I heard it.

It stung my heart so much, there she goes confessing her feelings to Yoongi while here I am being the choosy bitch that I really was.

I slam my hand on my naughty mouth as I feel tears rushing through my eyes down to my cheeks, I look back and see her

Leaning closer and closer I see with my bare eyes that their lips were meters apart, and Yoongi wasn't even stopping her

I had no want to see his lips connect with hers, and so I leave when I felt my heart suffocate with pain, anxiety attack hits me again as I overthink about what happened

Taehyung was right overthinking kills your happiness

this destroyed my happiness, and so I decided to walk back home in tears.  Winter is almost coming I know it

I always do, on the coldness of nights to my greatest fears and pain resurface.  And god damn how angry is the world at me now?

Rain started to pour all over the place making me cry more,  my tears coming out isn't a usual sighting for anyone

I don't waste my tears for show,  but when I feel that I can't take them anymore so I don't even try to stop them.

She loves him, he didn't deny her touch so who am I to feel this way? fckshit

I wipe my tears even though no one could see it through the droplets of the rain, my heart isn't at it's best  once more.

Taehyung told me to not stress my self out since it's not good for my sensitive health issues but here I am depressing my self over a man

"Why does it hurt so much Yoongi?" I mutter while crouching down on the sides of the street while being soaked by the tempting rain

Sad to say but there's actually two persons going home crying this night. I'm sorry Jimin but it's like I still can't go back to him

He's happy with someone else


I fall on the cold wet floor when I heard a loud car's horn, I feel so cold and numb at the same time. The familiar pink car makes me sigh in oddness

As expected Jin comes out with his pink umbrella,  "yona sweetie, let's go home.  crying won't take you anywhere" he says before picking me up gently

I wish my mom was as caring as Jin is, look at him now; giving me a towel and wiping the wetness in my head as he lets me warm up in his pink and beloved car

He smiles at me "don't worry, time cures everything"

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