TEN - Don't You Just Hate How Good I Am At This? (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"The girl who wanted to be kissed. Right?" That made him laugh and dig his face into his palms, embarrassed. She joined in laughing too.

"I'm so sorry about that. I was wrong."

She looked at him for a moment, with her head tilted. She had waited for that apology for a long time, and now it meant so little to her. "No. You were right." He looked at her, "I was that girl."

He sighed, exhausted, "I have so many regrets. If I could go back now, I would do everything differently."

"That doesn't matter. Pondering on something that is impossible is a waste of time." With his arms firmly crossed and a leg bobbing up and down anxiously, he raised his head to look at the sky, troubled.

"I forget how bad you are at comforting people."

"Good thing I'm not paid to comfort people, I'm paid to make the bad guys rot in prison, and so are you."

He looked back at her and huffed.

"You have a good heart, Apollo."

"Thank you."

"It wasn't a compliment. I'm going to need you to put that away in a drawer and lock it there until this is resolved."

He closed his eyes and sighed patiently, "One day I'm going to find out what made you like this, Monday." His eyebrows drew together and then upward slightly in the front, "Whoever made you think having a heart slows you down was afraid of your potential." She paid attention to his face as he worried about her.

Her phone started ringing, and she read Elliot's name on the Called ID as her phone rested facing up on their table, catching both of their attentions.

The guilt made her deny the call and look away, pretending nothing happened.

"Are you still going out with him?"

"We hang out sometimes."

"Are you dating?"

"I don't know."

"Well, if I asked him the same question, what would he say?"

"I don't know."

Apollo nodded, looked away, and then slauched his back to reach the back of his chair.

"Look, if this bothers you I can--"

"Elliot is a good man."

She heard him and tilted her head, "Apollo--"

"I'm serious. You deserve a good man. You should date him if that's what you want."

"I'm not dating him."

"I know. But you can."

At this moment, it was his phone that rang. He checked it and sighed deeply, groaning. He looked at Monday and pointed at his phone making a face, she gestured allowing him to answer the call. "Hey baby. Yeah. Listen, let me treat you for dinner tonight to apologize. Wherever you want. I'll pick you up at eight. Wear something tight, princess. See you soon."

Monday's face shot him a dirty look, "You ghost Peaches for days and that's all you have to say?"

Apollo shoved his hair back away from his face and the stupid boyish smile that should be trademarked by the bastard once again returned to his lips, who welcomed it home, "Don't you just hate how good I am at this?"

Monday rolled her eyes, but laughed.


Monday fiddled with her necklace as she practiced what she was going to say to Ezra.

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