•《Chapter IV》•

Start from the beginning

"You cant really run with vampires, cause their fast." Emily let out a chuckle.

"Yea? Well we're faster." Jared said with a cocky smirk. "Freaked out yet?"

"Your not the first monsters I've met." She shook her head as Sam came into the house, followed by the two boys.

"Jake's right. You are good with weird." Sam says as he walks over to Emily and kisses her all over her scarred face, before placing a tender kiss in her lips. Bella looks away as Paul comes by and takes a seat in front of her across from Ari.

"Sorry," he says with a smile, he turns and grabs a muffin. Bella looks over at Jacob as everything settles.

"Vampires?" Her voice is soft and hesitant. In the moments before they had forgotten she was there because she was so quiet. She couldnt imagine the things they were joking about could be real, but then again she had just watched teenage boys turn into wolves before her eyes. Everyone looked over at Arianna, Bella in a panic rushed over to her and kneels beside her.

"She doesn't know?" Sam asks as he looks at the two. Bella shakes her head as she takes Ari's hands in her own. "Why would you drag an innocent girl into a world when she knows nothing of?"

"I didnt know you guys turned into giant dogs!" Bella defends herself glaring up at the older man. "I didnt want her to know!"

"Okay just calm down guys," Jacob says as he moves from the doorway, "what's done is done. Regardless Bella I need to talk to you for a bit." Bella looks between her new friend and Jacob. She let's out a sigh and gives Ari's hands a squeeze.

"Ari I'm gonna go with Jake for a bit, but I will be back soon. And I promise I will explain everything when I get back, okay?" Bella gives her a small reassuring smile, though she doesn't know why, she cares deeply for the girl. After a few seconds the beautiful girl nods and gives her a small smile in return, however it was not very convincing. Bella stands and without thinking places a light kiss on the top of Arianna's head. Soon she follows after her friend to learn more about the secrets he'd kept.

"I know its a lot to take in sweetie." Emily said moving to her. "Trust me, it'll get easier to understand and accept. But in the meantime is there anything I can get you? Are you hungry? Thirsty? I can get you a blanket if you're cold."

"I'm okay for now thank you though." Arianna looked up and gave her a smile.

"So while you're here, and quite frankly we dont know who you are, tell us about yourself." Sam rang out as he took a seat beside Paul.

"Um- well, theres not much to tell." She said as everyone stared at her waiting for an answer. "Well my name is Arianna Alexander, I just moved here with my father from West Palm Beach, Florida. I'm seventeen, and there's not much else ."

"Oh come on there has to be something. What are some of your favorite hobbies?" Embry asks as he takes another muffin.

"Well I dance and I do gymnastics. I also enjoy art and photography."

"Impressive, you any good at sports?" Jared asked her.

"I guess, my dad taught me how to play a lot of sports when I was younger." She answered with a smile thinking back on the memories.

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