Unexpected Comfort

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   Tigress stalked into the dormitory, her hands balled into fists. The tall girl snarled as she slammed the door shut, a deafening bang echoing off the walls. She tore off her mask and chucked it at the wall. The seething woman then sank her claws into the nearest pillow, which happened to be Crackle's. She'd get him a new one later. For now however, Tigress busied herself by tearing the pillow to shreds, engrossed in her anger.

"How DARE they?" The young thief thought. "Those losers trying to insult me? So what if I'm a bitch? Like the rest of you aren't. I get things done! I'm the top cat around here, why the HELL do they think they have the right to insult me? I'm better, I don't need them. I don't need anyone! I... I don't..."

Tigress realized she was hunched over the mattress, the tattered remains of the pillow wrapped around her claws. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes. But she couldn't cry; her mascara would run and she'd look like hell. Instead she resorted to digging her claws into her palms, only protected by her stealth suit. The teen breathed heavily, her spine arching with each inhale. She choked back a sob.

It was times like these when Tigress felt alone. Sure, she hung out with her team. They joked and laughed and went along with all of Black Sheep's pranks, but she wasn't really one of them. Le Chèvre and El Topo were too wrapped up in each other to spare any affection for their teammates. Crackle and Black Sheep were practically joined at the hip. And together, the four of them were a content group of friends. It was infuriating. Tigress tightly crossed her arms, gripping her shoulders. She hated feeling this hurt. It was a tight, heavy feeling that tore at her heart, trying to force the tears out of her body. It made her weak, and she despised being weak.

Tigress flinched as she heard the door open, her body stiffening. She turned around to glare at Black Sheep, a small silhouette in the doorway.

"Oh, there you are," she said, sounding surprised. "We've been looking for you."

"Great," Tigress groaned, rolling her eyes. "What, is the whole team here to see my misery?" The younger girl shook her head.

"Good," Tigress huffed. "But I don't really want you here either pipsqueak." She snarked.

Black Sheep straightened up, glaring back at the older girl. "Oh my bad, sorry I was trying to check on you." She snapped. "Sorry for seeing if my teammate was-". The short teen froze mid-sentence, her eyes widening. Tigress scowled at her.

"Got a staring problem runt?" She hissed, detaching her hands from her shoulders. Brandishing her claws, Tigress snarled, "I can fix that for you by tearing your eyes right out of your head!"

Black Sheep looked frightened. "Tigress, what did you do to your shoulders?" She asked in a quavering voice.

After a moment of confusion, Tigress finally noticed the sharp aches on her shoulders and glanced down. Her claws had managed to tear through her stealth suit, leaving bleeding scratches in their wake. The scarlet liquid dripped it's way down her arms. She was so used to this kind of pain that it didn't get her alarm bells ringing. "Oh," the pale teen finally murmured.

Black Sheep approached her, the usual caution towards her rival gone. "Jesus, Sheena," she exclaimed, "are you ok?"

"It's Tigress," Sheena growled, "and yes, I'm fine."

"Mhm, sure Tigress." Black Sheep said. She tried to ignore the older girl glowering at her. "Look, just-" she sighed. "Just let me help you. I know where some first-aid stuff is."

Tigress recoiled from the shorter girl. "Like hell," she hissed. "I'm not going with you!"

"Oh, what-come on Tigress." Black Sheep groaned. "I know for a fact you're too full of yourself to go to the infirmary. Do you really want to bleed all over yourself for the rest of the day?" Looking at Tigress's disgruntled expression, she grinned a bit. "I didn't think so. Now come on," she said, gently grabbing the older girl's wrists. "Let's get you patched up jerkface."

Unexpected Comfort (A Carmen X Tigress Fanfic) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now