Chapter 4

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I with a massive pounding in my head, and my memory slightly fuzzy.

As I manged to open my eyes, something was injected into me, making the world go dark once again.

This happened at least four or five times, before I was finally allowed to stay conscious.

I opened my eyes carefully, because even with them closed I could see the incredibly bright lights.

Once I managed to carefully open my eyes, I saw that I was in a white, it looked like a hospital room type of thing.

I tried to rub my eyes, but found that my hands were stuck.

I glanced down, and saw that my hands were bound to the table that I was stuck on.

I also had multiple IV's going into me, and a few that were drawing things out of me.

"What?" I muttered, before trying to use my powers to get myself free.

Only problem was my powers weren't working.


"You see, miss Cheshire, we have done many tests on your mother, so we know what kinds of things will block your powers." Said someone from behind me, and I quickly sat up, twisting around.

It was a middle-aged man, wearing a white lab coat.

"Who are you? I don't have the flu." I responded, and he laughed, but it wasn't happy by any stretch.

"I am the scientist who has been studying your mother, and trying to figure out where the Waterfall of Wonder is." He replied, and everything started to make sense.

All of the land held Wonder, but the waterfall was pure Wonder.

It was the largest source we had, and if it were to ever run out, it would kill Wonderland.

"Why do you need all of that Wonder? Simply for the thunder?" I asked, hoping that I could delay him long enough for this stupid antidote to wear off.

He laughed again, before responding.

"The power you all have, it is incredible, and incredibly unique. It is much better from the power that I contain." He replied, his human eyes flashing a bright orange color.

"But, you do not know who I am. I have hidden for many years. Being immortal does have its perks. See, I have the old king's trust. And I could whisper ideas in his ears, using a little bit of magic to get him to see what I wanted him to do." He continued, opening his palms and allowing some black smoke to filter through his fingers.

"You see, my name is Chernabog. And I'm ready to take over the world." He said, and a little bit of my powers came back.

I could see into his mind, and I glanced around at his past.

He could raise spirits and demons, making them do a demonic dance before unleashing them to do his bidding.

"I know who you are. But, why do you need Wonder with your memoir?" I asked him.

"Because my powers only go so far. I can't simply do things by myself. I raise people to do them for me. With you powers and mine, I could take over the world. And then everyone would know my name!" He said dramatically, his demon wings spreading out from his shirt.

I actually started to laugh because he was being so over dramatic.

"Wow. Just. Wow." I replied, my powers coming back enough to start to undo the complex systems that were tying down my hands and feet.

"Are you, insulting me little miss?" He asked, and I shook my head, blocking the flow of liquid in the IV's.

"No. I just simply think you look like a pro." I replied, managing to get the things unlocked.

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