Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"I love you, you know." Oh, she beat me to it! I was so unprepared for it that I almost lost my breath. She was blushing, and my god, she was so beautiful. "Are you okay, babe?"

I took a deep breath, squeezing her hand in mine. "You literally took the words right out of my mouth, is all, love." She was blushing even more, trying to turn her head away, so I couldn't see. "I love you, too."


"Of course," She half grumbled. She was still smiling, but I could tell that the sound of the camera had thrown her out of our sweet moment.

Again, I squeezed her hand in mine. In a matter of seconds, she was smiling and giggling once more, and I was happy. The paparazzi would always be hiding somewhere, but I never wanted to lose these moments with her. I loved being able to take her out and show her off in public.

The waitress came back with our check, and I paid. Milana was absolutely exhausted, I'm sure, but I knew she wouldn't admit to it. We were both reveling in a lighter schedule - me obviously more than her at this moment, but the fact remained the same. It was nice to be with each other outside the restraints of my tour.

"Let's get back to the hotel, M," I smiled, pulling out her seat and holding her hand back outside and into the vehicle. Now, it was just a blacked-out SUV to get us back in peace. "You have been flying all day and straight into rehearsals. Let's get you in bed, yeah?"

"Oh, that sounds like Heaven," she gushed, and I absolutely swooned. I still got butterflies when she did things like bump her shoulder against mine.

My hunch about sleep was right, as Milana fell asleep on my shoulder on our ride back to the hotel. I felt so bad about waking her up, but she was in a dress, and I didn't want to risk exposing her oddly while trying to carry her into the elevator. She wasn't too grumpy about it all, though, and by the time we got back in our suite, she was awake enough and wanting to take a bath.

I let her venture off to do whatever she wanted to do to help her relax, and I decided to call room service to have some beers brought up from the bar downstairs. With booze on the way and a movie ready to play in the suite's living room area, I got myself ready for bed. My date night clothes were put aside and traded out for just a pair of boxers and a t-shirt. It was a bit baggy on me, and I was almost positive that it wasn't even mine.

I honestly probably collected it on one tour or another from one of the other boys. That seemed to happen a lot when we were all just living out of suitcases. Either way, I was comfortable now, and Room Service was at the door now. I collected my drink order and paid the man before returning to the living room, just as I heard Milana getting out of the bath. A few minutes later, she walked out of the bathroom with her wet hair hanging around her face, wearing nothing but one of my t-shirts (this one actually was mine) and her own pair of underwear.

"Twins!" She laughed, kissing me and accepting the bottle of beer that I handed her.

"No one else that I would rather match with," I grinned, ignoring the thumping of my heart that never seemed to go away when I was around Milana. She was just absolutely beautiful; no matter where she was, no matter what she was wearing, no matter what she was doing. She was absolutely stunning.

We settled in together on the couch, me with my arm around Milana and her head tucked under my chin and resting on my chest. She was warm, and she felt like home. I couldn't wait for a little more rest time, so she could really come back home with me. I wanted her to see my life outside of the crazy. Hell, I wanted to see HER life outside of the crazy, too.

I started thinking of all the things I wanted to do as soon as Taylor's show was over.

I wanted to go to the movies and spend all day walking around Central Park. I wanted to sit down for Christmas dinner with my family and have Milana sitting beside me. I wanted her to meet the rest of my siblings. I wanted to know more about her parents.

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