because thats what i feel

i feel like shit

but i had to smile to show that im not affected

or more like its me telling myself everything's gonna be alright, maybe not now, but soon, i wanna live til that day come, i wish i do

but then again

im not alone right?

i mean, i have you, and my mom, and your family, and minyoung, and aiden

i may not have a father, but i already have enough love that i need

thats more enough for me


it's already almost 5?

yohan, you'll be awake soon

ill delete these messages now before you see them

no need

i already read them all


i was reading your messages through the browser from the laptop

im sorry

i know i shouldnt have read that, but your messages kept on popping in the screen that i cant help myself but read

and honestly speaking arinie, youre right, you got me really worried

why were you gonna delete the messages? you dont even plan on letting me know about your feelings?

its not that

i just dont want you worried

and i dont think i can properly discuss this issue to someone

even if its you

but i really really just need to let it out, and you're the person im most comfortable to

so i messaged you, without having the intention of letting you read it, i just need to let it out

alright, ill just be here if you want to vent out your emotions again

but does your mom know about this?


i dont have the chance to tell her, she was always so busy and i appreciate that since she's making a living for the both of us

and i dont want to add more to her burdens

but arin, your mom is a doctor

yohan, please

okay, i wont force you

just do you

ill just be here for you too, okay?

yeah, okay

thanks for being there yohyoh

and thanks for being strong, arinie

please dont let go, keep holding on

ill try

and if ever youre ready to attend counseling or you feel like you need professional help, just tell me, and ill be with you in every step of the way

yeah sure

thank you

but in the mean time, ill be the counselor to listen to all your concerns

so feel free to tell me your anxieties, alright?

although its hard to open up

please try, okayyy?


thank you again, yohyoh

gosh my wife kept on saying thank you, cant she slip from her words and just propose to me already?



there i made you laugh

it may be hard, but please try find the positive side of things

sulli sunbaenim is with jonghyun sunbaenim now along with the other angels in the heaven, they're in a better place now

and taeyeon sunbaenim is strong, she got this

i sure hope so

thanks for cheering me up yohyoh

that's what a proper husband should do when her wife is down

ill have pyo, dohyon, jun, sang, mini and junho video call you late, they might be able to cheer you up more

no need to do that if you guys are busy

but really thank you, yohyoh

i love you



thats out of the blue

but i love you too arinie


rest well, sulli. we lost an amazing artist, but we gain an angel.

pick me. kim yohanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz