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Chapter Two "THE MEETING"
No One's P.O.V.:
January 4, 2011

The five woke up from hearing someone knocking. "Andrei, you go see who it is, I'm going to shower first," Alexa said taking her towel and new, clean clothes to change later.

Andrei lazily pulled off his covers and walked to the door, opening it. "Well, that woke you up. Well, good morning. I'm here to inform you that breakfast will be served in the next hour or so. I will be back to escort you to the dining room." Sara informed. "Good morning too, Miss Sara. I'll tell the others." Andrei greeted, Sara, nodded and walked off. Andrei closed the door and told his siblings what Sara told him.

"Your turn Andrei," Alexa said going out of the bathroom wearing a white shirt, blue jeans and brown combat boots. Andrei nodded and went inside the bathroom with his things. Each of them took turns in the shower and it was time for breakfast. Andrei wore a red polo shirt, black pants and a pair of red and white converse.

Tom wore an orange hoodie,  brown shorts, and red-orange tennis shoes. Lio wore a white shirt with his cross necklace, black jeans and a pair of black and white converse. While Lexi wore a yellow shirt, white jeans and a pair of white converse.

Lexi was tying the knot of her shoes, Lio was reading a book, Tom was taking a nap with Andrei and Alexa was tying her hair when a knock was heard. Alexa quickly finished tying her hair and opened the door to see Sara standing there. "Are you all done? They are waiting for you five in the dining room. I am here to escort you there." Sara said to Alexa. "Okay, can you wait for five minutes?" Alexa asked shyly. Sara nodded and waited outside of the five's room for them when Alexa closed the door.

She told everyone to hurry up and woke up Andrei and Tom. The quintuplets hurried out of the room and went outside to find Sara waiting for them. "Is that all of you?" Sara asked them, they nodded and Sara started leading them towards the dining room.

When they entered, the five took in their surroundings and saw a long wooden table with eight chairs on each side and two on the other side of the table, all the chairs are eighteen in total, there were fourteen people already sitting in perspective seats including Oliver who was already sitting in one of the seats.

Sara told them to sit on the last remaining seats. They sat near Oliver on the right far end of the table.

"Good morning everyone. Let us eat our breakfast before we start to introduce ourselves. Bring in our food." Oliver said loudly so that everyone can hear him. They nodded and the food was served, they eat in comfortable silence. After they ate, Oliver stood up and announces, "Starting today, five children are going to be living here in the grand palace with my family. Please, after they introduce themselves introduce yourselves then.".

Alexa stood up and said, "My name is Alexandra Jane Delacruz, I am the eldest among the five of us. We are quintuplets, which means that we're like twins except that we're five. I'm twelve years old and so are my siblings. I manipulate; cryokinesis, cryomagma manipulation, pocket dimension manipulation, and others." after she finished, she sat down again.

Next was Andrei, he stood up and started to introduce himself. "I am Alexandre June Delacruz, I control; pyrokinesis, magma manipulation, pocket dimension manipulation and more. I'm the second-born child," he said and then sat down.

Tom stood up and introduced himself. "I'm Thomas David Delacruz, the middle born child. I have geokinesis, metallokinesis, pocket dimension manipulation and many more." he then sat down.

Lio was next. He stood up and said, "I am Julio Christopher Delacruz and I am also the second to the last child, the fourth born. I posses umbrakinesis, shadow body, photokinesis, pocket dimension manipulation, and many others." when he finished he sat back down.

Last but not least, Lexi. She stood up and introduced herself, "I'm Alexis Cassandra Delacruz, I'm the youngest and the last born. I have electrokinesis, aerokinesis, weather manipulation, wind body, and more." she then sat down.

A man stood from his seat who wore something similar to what Oliver was wearing that looked like he was royalty. While Oliver wore an emerald green version of what seems like a king's royal attire, Barry wore a scarlet version of the king's royal attire and then introduced himself, "Well, it is very nice to meet your kids. I am King Bartholomew Henry Allen, though I would rather like it if I'm called by my nickname, Barry. I am the right-hand deputy along with my wife, to Oliver." King Barry smiled warmly at the children after introducing himself, then sat back down.

A woman across King Barry, who wore a light blue version of a queen's royal attire with frost designs. She stood and said, "Yes, it is nice to have new people to meet once in a while. I am Queen Caitlin Snow-Allen, wife of King Barry. And I am the right-hand deputy with my husband." she sat back down after she smiled at the quintuplets.

Another woman who was beside Barry stood and introduced herself. "I am Kara Mon-El, queen of Daxton. I rule alongside my husband, King Mon-El. I hope that one day your kids could come to my kingdom, we could show you five what it's like there." she said and smiled genuinely at them. She wore a royal blue version of a queen's royal attire with some of the blood-red.

A man that was across Queen Kara stood from his seat and introduced himself. "I am King Mon-El of Daxton. I rule alongside my wife, Kara, at Daxton. I too hope that someday you five could go to our kingdom." he said and then smiled at the five before sitting down. He wore a blood-red version of a king's royal attire with some royal blue.

A woman who was across Oliver introduced herself. "I am Queen Laurel Lance-Queen, I rule alongside my husband, King Oliver. I hope that we all get along," she said with a smile and sat back down. She was wearing a midnight black version of a queen's attire some white on it.

A man that was sitting on the left side of the queen stood and said, "I am the Duke under of King Oliver and Queen Laurel, Ronald Harper." he then sat down. He wore a ruby red version of a duke's attire.

A woman that was sitting across the duke, who looked similar to Olver stood up and introduced herself. "I am the Duchess under King Oliver and Queen Laurel with my husband. I am Thea Queen-Harper," she said, then sat down. She matched with her husband's color of attire. She wore a ruby red version of a duchess' attire.

Another man that was beside Queen Kara stood. "I am Kal-El or otherwise known as Clark Kent here on Earth. I am the Duke and the General of Daxton. My wife, who is the Duchess, however, can't come because of her pregnancy. Her name is Lois Lane, the Duchess of Daxton." he said, and then sat down. He wore a similar color match to Queen Kara. He wore a royal blue version of a duke's attire with some blood red at the sides.

A man across Clark stood and introduced himself. "I am the General under of King Oliver and Queen Laurel, Bruce Wayne. I have an offer to you five, if you could, do you five want to train? I am a mentor to three of my adopted sons. My offer will be there whenever you want to answer." the general said, and smiled. Smiled. It was rare to see Bruce smile. Bruce wore a midnight black version of a general's attire with some yellow.

Sara stood and introduced herself. "I know you already know my name, but not all of it. I am Sara Lance-Snart, Captain of the palace guards, and the army. Wife to Colonel Leonard Snart." Sara said, then sat down. She wore an all-white and gray version of a captain's attire.

The man that was sitting across Sara stood. He wore an icy blue version of a colonel's attire. "I am Leonard Snart, the Colonel of the army under of King Oliver and Queen Laurel. And husband to Captain Sara Lance-Snart," he said. Then he sat back down.

The woman who sat across Alexa stood and said, "Major General Katherine Kane, but I'd rather be called Kate. I'm under of King Oliver and Queen Laurel." she then sat back down. She wore a midnight black and blood-red version of a major general's attire.

Oliver stood and announced, "We can finish this meeting with a getting to know you game." he smiled at them and they began the game.

They finished their game at lunch and decided to just have lunch at the Grand Palace. The quintuplets were very happy that they were accepted by the royalties of Earth-50.

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