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I left the bathroom after I regained my composure ready to act like nothing had even happened however Jean was not outside waiting for me like he said he would be, he was no where to be seen. My eyes scanned around and I eventually spotted him over by the doors, he had his back to me and unsurprisingly was talking to Marco. I couldn't really be mad because I'd just made out with the boy I like in the bathroom so if he likes Marco in the same way he should go for it, not just yet though because I want to go home and he's my ride. Making my way over towards them I tired to go unnoticed in order to get to listen in a bit to their conversation but I was spotted by Marco before I could hear anything specific.
"Oh hey Armin" he sounded pissed, I could tell but he still tried to hide it. Jean turned to meet my face, looking rather sheepish.
"Sorry, I was waiting for you but Marco called me over" Marco looked shocked at his apology hinting to me that he did no such thing.
"It's okay, can you drop me home now?" My question made Jean look sad and I almost felt bad. He nodded.
"Marco can come along if he's not busy here?"  I asked giving Jean a small, genuine smile and got on my tip toes to whisper in his ear
"It's okay" he smiled back understanding where I was coming from.

Jean got out the car and walked me to my door leaving Marco in the passenger seat waiting for him. There was a slightly awkward moment as neither of us were sure what to do.
"It looks like it's gonna rain soon..." I commented, he gave a half hearted laugh which was really just a puff of air from his nostrils as I'd resulted to commenting on the weather. Jeans face turned serious and I knew he had something to say.
"Look I'm really sorry about tonight, I did genuinely wanna hang out with you, I wanted a friend to talk to but I took advantage of that..." whilst it was small his apology did mean something and it was nice to hear.
"You better not do it again, if you love him tell him. You wanna fight for him, for what you had not end up fighting because you're kissing other people trying to make him jealous" the words I spoke made me think of Eren and what had happened in the bathroom not even half hour ago. If mine and Jean's kiss made him jealous he must really like me especially since it caused him to act out like that when he was out with his girlfriend.
"You're a good guy Armin. We should hang out again some time"
"Only if you promise not to kiss me" I laughed making him blush.
"Goodnight" he said as he backed away giving me a wave, I waved back and unlocked my door.

I was sat in my room just thinking about everything that had happened this evening. I took my jeans off and changed into joggers to get comfier and wondered why I didn't feel like crying? I should be angry and hurt but no tears would come. I knew it was because of the kiss Eren and I had shared. Full of passion and love I got butterflies thinking about it. How can he say that meant nothing. I walked into the bathroom splashed my face with water and looked at myself in the mirror. I sighed, the bags under my eyes looked like day old bruises, I grabbed the towel off the rail next to the sink and pressed it to my face when suddenly there was a loud knock at the front door. I was home alone so I was kind of scared by the sudden noise but braved it and made my way downstairs to answer it. As I got closer knuckles hit the wood again the loud noise startled me but I proceeded. I pulled the handle down and took it off the latch, relieved to see I had no reason to be scared but also taken aback by the sight that stood in front of me. My mouth gaped open and closed a few times looking for the right thing to say. In front of me stood a rather messy looking Eren, tears were fresh running down his cheeks one of them stained bright red in the shape of a hand mark.
"Hi" he cried just as the sky opened up and the rain started to pour.

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