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There's something thrilling about being out driving late, going fast, singing along to good music, in a car with the boy you like. It felt like a scene from a movie, especially as it's my birthday. It felt nice, I felt free. The soft beat of the music filled my body as I rested my head back on the seat. even though it was November Eren had put the windows down insisting it would add to the mood and it sure was. The wind swept over my face making me feel elated. The moon was shining and the stars were out, it was a truly beautiful moment I wish I could stay in forever.  A slight laugh escaped my mouth as I was filled with pure joy, I rolled my head to the side to look at Eren who in turn swiftly looked back at me. I laughed again, this time louder but still drowned out by the music, Eren joined in rather than asking why. That's one of the many things I love about him, he doesn't need a reason to laugh he'll join in with others happiness without question. The car slowly came to a stop as we both lost our breath, our laughter getting lost into the night. He cut the engine and matched my body language by resting his head back and turning it towards me.
"Where are we" I asked, joy seeping through my tone.
"nowhere" He let out a slight laugh shutting his eyes as I reiterated the location
"Nowhere?" He nodded and paused for a second. His eyes snapped open and instantly found mine not letting me look away.
"Nowhere... but we're going to make it our somewhere" He smiled, something I would've missed had I not glanced down at his lips. The thought of kissing him made me lick my lips which then prompted him to look at mine. I reached my hand over towards his seat making him think I was going to take his hand but instead I unclipped his seatbelt and quickly done the same to mine.
"Let's make it somewhere then" I whispered suddenly becoming aware of our now silent surroundings. I swung my car door open and climbed out shivering slightly from the initial chill that surrounded me. I was more careful shutting the door than when I opened it as I wanted to avoid the loud bang, Eren however, clearly didn't care as the sudden noise made me jump. He saw my reaction and let out a slight chuckle at my misfortune.
"So what's the point of this? How do we make it somewhere it's just dark and cold" I teased, I really did appreciate the thought he'd put in. He playfully rolled his eyes as he walked around the front of my car towards me.
"Here" he said swiftly taking off his coat and throwing it over my shoulders, I slipped my arms into it and smiled.
"Thanks but now you'll be cold" he shook his head, smiling
"No I won't, I can warm up off you" He reached forward sliding his arms around my waist, under his coat. He stretched his neck so his chin could rest on top of my head
"See?" He said cheerfully, I smiled again, something Eren makes me do a lot, and nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck. I wish I had a picture of this moment.
He eventually let go but it was far too soon for my liking. As his grip on my waist fell limp so did my daydream of us being more than friends, of our embrace being a more regular occurrence. His fingers lingered by mine, brushing past them slightly. I wanted to take full advantage of the moment and I reached out a little, my hand fitting into his like it was made just for me. As our eyes met the others our grip on eachothers hands tightened, he pulled me forward slightly towards him, I shyly ducked away. He makes me unsteady and nervous in a good way.
"Come on" he whispered not looking away from me until my eyes met his again.
"Let's explore"


hi!! Sorry this is a bit of a short one, let me know if you guys have any ideas of where I could take this fic because I have a basic idea but not much plot. Hope you enjoyed!
- Emma

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