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3rd POV
   "Wait but why do we have to tell them about us?!"one kid said. Alfred looked too stress. Matthew and Miguel looked at each other.Austin went to untie California and Alaska and hid behind Alaska after he go up.
    "Welp,were in a big problem."Alfred said.
"This old man is crazy let's just run when we still have a chance!" Other kid said. "That was uncalled for New York." Alaska said. The kid or more of a teenager called New York had brown hair,brown eyes,wearing black jeans and a basic shirt with a jacket on with some Nike's. "Yea,yea." New York said.
"Wait Spain how are so calm about this." asked France. "I don't really care honestly, have you forgotten I had taken care of Mexico."

Most countries forgot about that why because Mexico is a quiet kid unlike America.
  "Y'all are so silly." A kid said who was just dressed casual, I am he's not wrong. Everyone in the room is silly.
   "I guess the secrets of America is out now." Alaska said calmly.Alfred just stood in shock how was his government reacted.
"Can we just say who we are please,I am getting bored."California said.Austin just looked at him "Is it because you don't have drama right?" Austin asked. Cameron just looked at him shocked. "Stop being a drama queen Cameron." Alaska said.

"I am not being a drama queen at least not now." That sentence was the thing that kinda got Austin. Austin started to walk towards Cameron, every country was watching, states just shaking there head, Mexico hoping there will be a fight. While the new world twins not so much.

While Alaska is recording and eating popcorn enjoying this as Alaska says 'entertainment'.

I am done it might be short but I was on a dead line Am gonna try to make the next chapter. I have a test and I have school so am trying to work on this book.
Have a great day. Bye!

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