CHAPTER 1 ~ I'm leaving

Start from the beginning

After 1 hour we arrived at the place where we will meet our parents. I don't know why they need to see us. I'm living as fine as sunset until I married Kelvin.

A knock in the car glass window stop me from imagining how my life is fine if I don't marry this man knocking to my car. I open it with a question in my face.

"Here,  wear this."

He handed me the red dress that I've seen in the prepared cabinet in my room early this morning. That cabinet is made for me to wear everything prepared inside, especially if we have business meetings or important events to attend.

"I don't want to wear it, I want comfy shirt today" I explained.

I didn't accept the dress. He aggresively open the door of the car,with his f**king serious look.

"Wear this dress now!" with his loud voice he gets the attention of people in the area,  this man is abnormal. Seriously, he can't understand that I don't like the dress. Simple as math.

"Yherie!, I'm f**cking ser "

"I'm serious too,  can't you see? I cutted him off of what his going to say.

"I will not meet our parents if you keep on insisting that dress to me! I don't like it!" I added.

I close the door, Mr. Lito is still inside the car. I tap his shoulder, he look at me in the mirror like he knew that I want him to start the engine and drive the car.

"Yherie!" He shouted.

"I'm leaving!" I shouted back.

He put the red dress inside his car. He raise her hand and sign Mr. Lito to go out of my car. Then Kelvin went inside the front seat, Kelvin is looking at me while I'm busy with my cellphone. 'Thanks God cellphone exist' I appreciates it in times like this.

"Wear that dress. Leave,  if it's done. Don't act like you're above me! Think! I'm doing this for whom?" He sounded more serious with a command.

He's doing it for me. Kelvin is a perfectionist and I hated him that way. Why he should be like my father? a perfectionist. Why men can freely control my life?

After he said that he went outside, he get the red dress with a box of sandals and handed it to me again. I received it and I push the tinted button to fully cover the window so I can change my outfit inside. After 10 minutes I went outside the car and Kelvin is already in the entrance of the building where our parents are inside.

Kelvin waited for me but he starts to walk when I'm already near to him.  We heads towards the room where we will meet out parents. A man in suit welcome and open the door for us.

I see my parent sitting in a round table with Kelvin parent,  I greet them and kiss the cheeks of his parent. I hug my dad and kiss my mom. Alongside Kelvin just say good morning and bow  45 degree to show respect to our parents.

Another man in the room assisted me to sit. I smile because the foods is being serve. My eyes sparkles everytime a food is put down in the table.

"ahem" Kelvin father clear his throat.

I stop on watching the food because I felt everyone is watching me doing it, except Kelvin, he's busy thinking about clocks and solving about how much hours should this meeting will consume.

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