~Chapter 2~

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(Author's P.O.V)
The two girls had just walked out of the restaurant and were on their way to Frisk's home.

They told jokes, laughed, and chatted for a bit as the sky to slowly turn from its light blue to beautiful hues of purples, oranges, yellows, and pinks.

Soon enough though, they finally arrived at the familiar two story building with a visible flower garden growimg in the background. Buttercups seemed to be a popular plant grown around the house but the beautiful dandelions blowing lazily in the wind made sure to keep their prescence known as their seeds danced carefree in the wind to spread their beauty elsewhere so many others can enjoy it.

(Your P.O.V)
Frisk and I have finally reached her house. Checking the time I realize it is a quarter past six (6:15 pm).
"Welp Frisk,"I said turning to the girl as we approached the front door of her house," it was nice hanging out with you, it was fun."
"Me too Y/N!" She signed.
Just as we were about to say our goodbyes, a tall goat woman opened the door. "Oh hello my child, I see you and Frisk have had a lovely time." The goat monster said  to the two of you. "Hey Toriel," I greeted" yea we had loads of fun! I think we both needed time off for a bit." Frisk nodded her head and ran up to her mother signing,
"GOAT MOM Y/N GAVE ME FREE FOOD!!" Toriel chuckled at the teenager's childish behavior,"well that was nice of her wasn't it? Now head up upstairs and do your homework while I speak to Y/N here privately." Toriel said to her child. Frisk nodded their head in agreement but gave me one last hug before leaving. She waved at me and left making her way to her room to start working.
Toriel then came outside and shut the door behind her then looked down towards me. "Y/N thank you for this, Frisk has been getting a little stressed lately and sometimes have nightmares about very horrific things." Toriel explained with gratitude filling her eyes emerald green eyes. "It was no problem, besides if she is having nightmares at least she has the best goat mom in the world to help her out." I said smiling up at the tall monster. She then knelt down to my height and gave me a hug only true mothers can give. The one that makes a child's fears go away as they know that they are safe within their mother's arms,(unless you are in 'The Promised Neverland' also side note has anyone watched that anime? Or just me?).
I returned the hug with a smile glad to be of help.

We eventually parted and said our goodbyes as we parted ways.
I started my walk towards my apartment complex. Unbeknowest to me, this was probably going to be the last time I ever see my home or friends again for a very, very long time.

I hope you are ready for what's to come, because this will be a battle like no other and sometimes......

It isn't always a battle of hate.
Woo! Finally another chapter done! I hope you are enjoying this as much as I am writing it! I will try to have a consistenet writing schedule and when I do I will let you know, but anyways I hope you enjoyed this. Bai!

A Different Type of Joy (Dream!Sans × Female!Reader){BEING REWRITTEN}Where stories live. Discover now