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Taehyung was completely naked. He stared at his reflection. His body was decorated in hickeys and brusies. He had hand print by his hips and hickeys ran down his neck and nape. He smiled brightly, his heart nearly skipped a beat. He became addicted to the marks and he smiled at his reflection. He only remembered craving for jungkook to told him tighter, so the marks were bit of a surprise but a plesent one. Taehyung got dressed and tried not to limp on his way to kitchen.

Lisa was eating but stops to look at taehyung " We should do something today " She smiles. Taehyung sits beside her before getting himself some Toast and eggs " Like what? ? He questions.
" Can we Pleeeeeasee go to the water park today? You don't have to go through the slides or the deep side of the pool. Just...please? " Lisa was begging him for the approval so that taehyung would go with her . Taehyung giggled " You just got out of the hospital, I think we should hold off- " He was cutting off by Lisa inches closer to him whining " Please. Pllease. I nearly died, and I don't want to die before we go to one ". Taehyung thinks for a moment " Alright fine.... Let's go to the water park... " Taehyung finally agreeing.

When they arrived to the water park, they changed in the locker room. Lisa's eyes widened when she saw the marks that decorated her best friend's body " What the fuck happened to you?! " She exclaimed . She was ready to hurt whoever did that to him but taehyung only smiled and whispered " I had a good night ". He winked and walked out of the loker room.

Taehyung sat down on the edge of the pool, his feet were dipped into the water. he smiled when he saw Lisa going down the slides. Taehyung stared at kids playing and he smiled to himself when he wondered what jungkook was doing. Well he wondered if he was thinking about him. Suddenly Lisa approaches him " You sure you don't want to go in? I'll help-". Taehyung shakes head " No I am ok. I will stay here". Lisa got up and sits next to him " Tae Tae.... You know I wouldn't let you down. You have nothing to afraid of " . Taehyung looks at her and smiles "I'm not afraid. Go you've been waiting for years to come here" He laughs. Lisa grinned before he stood up, walked around and dived into the deep end. Taehyung smiled as he watched him. Taehyung watched Lisa swim around for a bit before he layed down on a beach chair. He closed the eyes and enjoyed the sunlight.


The nurse walked into jungkook's room, she looked around before she whispered. " Time for your meds". She trembled as she held the pills in hand, and a cup of water in her other hand . Jungkook sat up and watched her with a small smile " There you're! I was thinking that why anyone didn't send someone here yet " He laughed. The nurse approched him, she was shaking. " I'm just here to give you medication..." Jungkook hummed " You already said that dear ". Jungkook had his straight jacket on to restrain his arms but that didn't stop the nurse from getting worried. She knelt in front of him " Don't my job difficult. Just take the pills... Open your mouth" . Jungkook leans closer but his eyes don't avert from looking into hers " You know nurse so many others have tried poisoning me, stabbing me, shooting me " His smile grows " But none have been successful. Why do you think that is? " . " I- I don't know.... -" She stuttered.   Jungkook laughs loudly " Instict, I bet yours is telling you to quit your job and stay away from me" . His voice darkens " You should've listened to it ".

Loud screms pierced through the cushioned walls. Blood decorated the room as well as jungkook's straight jacket. Gurds rushed in and dragged him out.
But it only made him laugh louder.

Taehyung rushed into the asylum, and was welcomed with his boss screaming.
"In your evaluation you said he was getting better - you were seeing improvement-! " . Taehyung shakes his head " I am- I w-was. Maybe the nurse did something or said-". His boss glares at him " Don't you dare try to defend that maniac, taehyung! ". Taehyung bits his tongue for a second " I've seen improvement in him. I don't understand what could have happened" . His boss tiredly places his palm on his forehead " If it were up to me.... That maniac would get the death penalty" . " I should talk to him.... " Taehyung said to his boss. His boss shakes his head " No we are keeping him isolated for at least 48 hrs ". Taehyung protest " He's my patient.... I have to see him. I just want to understand" . His boss shouts " He is a psychopath, taehyung. He's a lost cause. There is nothing you can do for him".
Taehyung looked away from him. He was irritated but wasn't much he could sat. He had to wait and it killed him.

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