Chapter 2

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Frisk green eyes blinks as she slowly sat up her back popping she groaned hearing her solar panel beep none stop. She stood Puff was still sound asleep her ran hand grabbed the nearest shelf stumbling Frisk let out a groan walking to her shoes she lazily put them yawning and groaning(basically me on school mornings) Frisk was standing on the roof her shoulder and half her arm in full view some her chest shown through her sports bra. A metal device that kept beeping with the sun hitting it stitched inside her chest soon a sound was heard a little bing. Frisk button her shirt up slipping her hoodie back on Puff trotted up as his owner bent down to let him the tow walked down the slippery slope of the garage tying her last shoes string the teen grabbed her bag and sighed walking out time find some more treasures she thought Puff running behind her.

Frisk saw a trash compactor and shovel sitting ion the ground picking it up and putting her bag on ground the humanoid shoved a pile of trash into the cube pressing the button with her foot picking up the cube and stacking on top she turned and saw a bra lying on the ground curiously she dropped the shovel while her dog sniffed and explored not so far away Frisk knelt down on her knees and picked it up "woah" she exclaimed in awe she tilted her head confused putting it into her eyes thinking they were glass throwing the into her bag continuing throwing a rubber ducky along with a bobble head dog as well. Frisk continued the same cycle trashes cube and object collecting while on a trash pile she had picked up some keys pressing the button turning her head as the car beeped. The hours went by sweat went down her head but she stayed determined Frisk opened a blue box with a ring in it she throwing the ring out of box, her bag became more and more stuff Frisk grabbed a fire extinguisher pressing the lid it made her fall to the ground she struggled with it(lol) throwing far away. Hours went by and by she finally stopped proud as she grabbed her bag walking Frisk head turned curiously at a white board laying back on a trash pile she walked over tapping it she felt as if something was in there determined she stood her arm pointed at it with a laser strapped to her arm she successfully sliced it in half it feel she knelt on her knees moving towards the opening to see a green seedling inside she titled her head in awe slowly scooping it up and placing it in a old boot she had found. Frisk walked to the garage placing her stuff down as Puff waddled in to the garage collapsing on the floor tired as Frisk rummaged through the bag when something caught her eye a red dot fidget on the ground Frisk confused reached for it but was surprised when it moved out of the garage entrance shocked in the face the female cautiously went towards it reaching down it had moved going around Frisk in a straight circle she pounced running after it jumping from a old bridge as it made it way to the center of the ground the tan girl following it behind unknowing to Frisk more red dots followed it going into the center all together Frisk bent down to grabbed it not touching anything she heard rumbling standing on her feet she looked around nervous more dots appeared Frisk stepped back when she heard a loud painful sound looking up to see a rocket with fire shooting out coming on top of her.Frisk ran in any direction to get out but was stuck scared she instinctively dug into the dirt covering herself from getting burnt. The long rocket floated down landing perfectly the shaken girl cowered her head from the dirt hitting a hard surface from the top Frisk looked at a tall white object she never seen before maybe I should go back home she thought her shaking she stumbled from under the rocket walking when suddenly it opened Frisk panicked as she curled up trying to blend in to the earth white boxes appeared from the unknowing object going down and sitting perfectly on the ground Frisk curious crawled over shaking when it moved a light scanning the ground when the tall long box like things separated going to the front Frisk flinched falling over when a object was ejected form the metal tube above Frisk curiously crawled over hiding behind the white object looking over as the ejected moving it on the ground it looked as if something or someone was inside by the way it was shaped.

(Play the music now if you want)
A robotic arm like figure appeared from it Frisk flinched it typed in something on the figure quickly retreating back inside the life form shape shook a sound getting louder went it spit into two Frisk cowered blue spray shooting out as it split.Frisk looked she gasped eyes widened a see through blue oval shape stood inside was a human sized figure but it was different Frisk couldn't really make out what it was until it quickly revealed the life form as the blue wine turned to the unknown strangers eye Frisk was still when the figure opened his eye lights the male was in fact a white skeleton wearing a white jacket with the word scout on it with a white shirt underneath white shorts with blue stripes on them and blue slippers. Frisk looked in a feeling she hadn't felt since last night a ping in her soul the skeleton had a permanent smile his one eye flashing blue he looked around the humanoid just breathed one sound"woah" she sighed
love drunk he was a monster from space she had a thought in the back of her head but didn't care as she looked at him.

Feeling love for the first time in your soul makes it fly

||Only Takes A Moment||REMAKE SOON!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon