Will the Wise+Dig Dug

Start from the beginning

The doctor told her that you were in a coma and had no prediction on when you would wake up..

She wanted to stay, but she had to be home before Will got up because Jonathan had left.

When she got home, Joyce  tried to contact Hopper, but had no luck. 

When Will got up, she checked his temperature and found it strange that his temperature was colder than it should've been. Promising him no doctor, she ran him a warm bath, but after she had ran it and tried to get another phone call to Hopper without luck again, Will approached her, looking rather sweaty. 
"Mom." he said. "Yeah, sweetie, what is it?" Joyce responded. "It's too hot." Will said. Joyce gave Will a weird look and went to the tub. The water was already drained. "I... I can cool it down a little bit, baby, but we gotta get your body temp back up." Joyce sighed. "No," Will snapped, making Joyce stumble a bit. "What?" Joyce asked confusedly. "He likes it cold." Will responded and walked away. 

Meanwhile at the school. Dustin, Mike, Lucas, and Max noticed your absence. Mike and Dustin were growing worried. During lunch, Mike tried to use the payphone to contact the Byers, but it went to voicemail. 
"Anything?" Lucas asked as Mike ran back to the group. "We need to talk. AV room. Right now." 
Everyone got up. "Party members only." Mike told Max. "Come on Mike." Dustin protested. "No! This is non-negotiable." Mike snapped. Lucas and Dustin apologized for Max.
"Where's Y/N when you need her?" Max asked herself when the boys left. 

When the boys got to the Audio Visual room, Mike told the others what Will saw on Halloween.
"Will didn't want me to tell anyone, but on Halloween nighthe saw a sort of shadow in the sky."
"A shadow? What kind of shadow?" Lucas asked. "I don't know. But it scared him. And if Will really has True Sight...I mean, if he can really see into the Upside Down,  maybe he saw that shadow again yesterday."
" So that's why he was frozen like that? But, what about Y/N?" Dustin asked. "It's the same thing as we discussed yesterday. They're twins. They share similar DNA. And your brains are similar to each other."
"I know that. But, she didn't wake up. And if she isn't here, that means she still hasn't."
"She had a head injury, remember? And can this shadow thing hurt Will? It isn't even from our world." Lucas said. "I don't know. Dustin?" Mike said. "Well, if you're in another plane,  you can't interact with the material plane, so theoretically,no, the shadow can't hurt him."
 "Yeah, if that's even what's happening. This isn't D & D. This is real life." Mike said. "So what do we do?" Lucas asked. "We acquire more knowledge. I'll go to Will and Y/N's after school.See what's going on. You guys stay here and find Dart."
"Dart? What's he gotta do with this?" Dustin asked, confused. "Will heard him in the Upside Down. I don't know how yet,but he's gotta be connected to all this. He's gotta be. If we find Dart,maybe we can solve this thing. Maybe we can help Will and Y/N."

***At The Byers***

Will has been in his room all day, coloring on sheets of paper with only few crayons. Joyce and Hopper have been trying to figure out what he's doing. When Hopper lost hope in trying to figure out what was going on, Joyce found out that the black lines that Will scribbled connected, so that started to lay out the papers like pieces of a puzzle and tried to connect them. 

It took a lot of tape and movement of household objects to piece everything together, but they did it. 

"Does this mean anything to you?" Hopper asked. "No." Joyce sighed. " I mean,is it some sort of maze or a road.  I mean, it's sort of forking and branching like... like lightning."
"You think it's that storm?" Hopper asked. "No, the storm he drew was completely different. He used red. And this is all blue and it has some weird dirt color. I mean, maybe it's roots.'Cause remember,he was saying it was spreading and--"
"Killing. He said they were killing. Vines. He's drawing vines." Hopper said in realization, grabbing his hat and coat and left the house.

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