chapter twenty-one

Start from the beginning

He stopped crying, only his hiccups getting more intense and I bite my lip because of them.

"Hey, Lina." Her voice is faith as I enter the car, carefully not moving Samuel from my arms since he's almost asleep, his trembles not managing to let him, and I smile weakly at her.

"It's alright, Sammy. Dad can't harm us anymore." I whisper in his ear softly, letting only him hear it and the minute I do that he seems to relax, finally letting the tiredness get the best of him.

I let out another sign of relief and Kayla understands that I need time when she pays attention to something in the front seat, taking her gaze away. I mentally thank her for that before closing my eyes, sensing a headache form on the back of my head.

It takes a while for Damien to come to the car and when he finally does, I catch a glance of a gun on his back but I don't say a word, knowing exactly what I signed for when I made a deal with him.

He's dangerous, he told me that already. The only thing that matters is that he helped us.

The knuckles of the boy in the driver's seat are a deep red, flesh in blood, and I almost get scared to ask him what he did to my dad. I gather every ounce of strength to do so, taking care not wake up the child on my arms.

"What did you do to Tom?" My voice sounds better than earlier, having more stability and Damien looks directly at me, his hazel eyes burning like fire and the side of his lip dripping blood. He must be deeply pissed I didn't tell him but I push it aside, here not being the moment for a fucking fight.

I did what I thought was right and even though I regret some parts, the bad boy doesn't have the right to be mad.

"He won't bother you anymore." Direct, that's how Damien tells me and I nod at him, feeling like an enormous weight fell off my back. I have no idea what to do next but the knowledge that Tom can't go after us anymore makes me finally feel free.

The engine turns on and before I know it, we are on the road, heading directly to a place I've no clue of. My heart is still frantic in my chest but I try my best to calm myself down.

"Where are we going?" My curiosity and my need to take care of Sammy takes the best of me but neither of the Stone's seem annoyed by my question when Kayla answers me.

"You two will stay with us today, Lina."

"Thank you, Kayla

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"Thank you, Kayla. You guys didn't have to do that." I let out while I close the door of the Stone's guest bedroom where Sammy is peacefully sleeping after I took care of his huge bruise. When she told me we would come to their house, I felt anxious at the same minute and begged them to let me handle the situation but now as I finally feel that my brother is safe, I can't thank them enough.

I will think about what to do next tomorrow, all that I need right now is to calm myself down.

"Hey, it was nothing, really. You can count on us." The smile she flashes me is the sweetest, her warm hand on my shoulder in a reassuring way and it makes me smile back. I have no idea if her parents know I'm here but I can't worry about that now.

"You should have told us you know? We would help you in a heartbeat. And if you want to talk about it, I'm here, Lina." It almost makes my dark brown eyes watery but I'm done crying so I just whisper a faith 'thank you', not knowing how to react as we head to where I'll sleep.

No one has ever shown that they cared, even though I know it's my fault for not opening up when all my life I did everything alone but it feels insanely good.

Before we can reach the other guest bedroom, my curiosity killing me for wanting to know what's behind every white wooded door that we pass by in the enormous elegant same color hallway, Damien walks up the grand stairs and ends up directly in front of us, a few meters away.

His hair is combed back and he changed outfit, Tom's blood that stained him now gone, donning a white tank top and black jeans. The bad boy's lip is still swollen by the punch he got and the knuckles that were ripped apart are now covered in bandages but other than that, he seems fine and I let out the air I didn't even know I was holding when I realize that.

Those hazel eyes light up when he spots me and when Damien comes in my direction, I lose no time in heading straight to him.

I throw my hands around his body when we are inches away and the bad boy catches me like I weigh nothing, holding me tightly against him. I break on his arms again, what happened still repeating in my head nonstop but Damien doesn't seem bothered when he runs his fingers through my hair whispering that it's okay now.

I don't know how much time passes before we part away, all I can sense while having my face buried in the bad boy's shoulder is that Kayla leaves us after a few seconds, and the smoky cologne strong against my nose.

"C'mon, Lina." He grabs gently my right hand while I clean the reminiscent tears with my left one, his warm skin contrasting against mine, and takes us directly to where I assume his sister was taking me, a wooded door on the left side of the hall, two rooms from Sammy's one.

Damien opens the door and guides me inside, my mouth opening in awe to the enormous room that takes place in front of me. Where I left my brother was to my standards big with a queen-size bed but this bedroom is above my expectations.

A comfy king-size bed takes place in the middle of the room covered with deep grey blankets and pillows and a black gorgeous velvet headboard stands tall against it going to the ceiling. Dark wooded bedside tables stand on either side of the bed and a fireplace with a tv on top of it warms up the entire room in front of the bed. On the left side of the place, there are black french doors that probably lead to the bathroom, and on the other part, a beautiful wooded writing desk takes place.

"Impressed again, gorgeous?" He whispers in my ear before placing his palm on my lower back, his touch sending sparkles through my entire spine, and smoothly pushing me inside.

"I don't know why I'm still dazzled by your house." Damien lets out a low laugh and I smile against my will as he gestures for me to get under the blankets, feeling somehow comfortable not in my room.

The bad boy sits next to me and I can tell the way his eyes flicker with anticipation that he is worried I might never get over what happened today. Little does he know, I've handled much more than that over these past months.

"Do you want to talk about it?" His question catches me out of the guard, my heart slamming against my chest but I take a deep breath before finally nodding at him.

I tell him my story, ever since my mom died and he doesn't stop me, all he does is place his hand on mine in a way of telling me he's by my side.

I finally let go of everything that I kept for myself over the past months.

✥ ✥ ✥

{A/N: Hey guys! I really hope you've enjoyed this chapter and if you did, please don't forget to vote and comment! I truly love hearing what you think about the characters and the plot ;) This was probably one of my fastest updates, don't get used to it, lol. I just wanted to thank you all for 26k reads on this story! It feels surreal and my heart warms up to the fact that I have incredible support coming from you!

See you in the next chapter, stay safe. Lots of love, Ally.}

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