Chapter Nineteen: Betrayed

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A/N: WARNING!! Slight smut.

Thank you for all the reads and votes, enjoy xx

Riva sat down and stared at her goblet. Boredom was her only fuel as she yawned. Tyrion and Sansa looked bored as well. Tywin took Jaime away from her to talk and Bronn was already at the Brothel. Maybe the Brothel will be better than here but only girls worked there so it would be weird. Oberyn and his wife? She doesn't know but Oberyn and Ellia already went to their chambers to do 'things.' Riva was startled by Cersei sitting at her table. She shot up and looked up at Cersei.

"My Lady," She bowed her head and looked up at Cersei who wore a very serious face.

"I see the way you look at my brother," She growled. Riva gulped before she drank her wine. "Stay away from him or otherwise," Cersei chuckled "You wished you'd never came to Kingslanding," Cersei got up, she sent one more hateful glance at the red-haired woman. "Riva," She growled before she swayed away. She chocked on her purple wine and looked up at Cersei who waited for her reaction.

"You are mistaken My Lady, I'm Sylvia Martell," Cersei turned, her thick brow raised.

"Well, I must tell my brother he is wrong. He told me you are Riva. I told him she was dead but he was positive you were Riva. Oh well, forgive me, Sylvia Martell," Cersei turned away and Riva slouched in her seat, how could Jaime betray her like that? She looked over her shoulder and saw Jaime laughing with his father and other Lords. Just as she was about to argue with him, Joffrey's voice boomed, causing her to sit down.

"It's time for a bedding to commence!" Joffrey yelled, dragging Sansa down some pair of stairs she walked up. Tyrion looked down at his table.

"There will be no bedding," Tyrion growled at Joffrey when he walked by, his eyes rooted to looking at the table. The cheers and shouts stopped and everyone looked over.

"Come, uncle, its a tradition!" Joffrey called out happily, the music and chattering of people filled the room once more. "Men, come and take Sansa to her wedding bed. Take off her gown, she won't be needing if for very long! Ladies!" He motioned for some women to come over to him, he motioned for Riva. "Come and take him, he's not very heavy!"

"There will be no bedding ceremony," Tyrion said, controlling his anger.

"There will be one if I command it!" Joffrey spat back. Tyrion suddenly stabbed the table with a knife and all the moving, music and chattering stopped. All eyes were on Tyrion.

"Then you'll be fucking your own bride with a wooden cock!" Tyrion growled, his knuckles whitening the harder he gripped the knife. Joffrey looked baffled and Tywin stepped up, his chair squeaking was the only sound.

"What did you say?" Joffrey spat angrily, his eyes drilling holes into Tyrion's head. Tyrion's hands shook in anger. "WHAT...DID YOU JUST...SAY!" Joffrey roared. There was a moment of silence and Riva drank through it.

"I believe we can dispense the bedding, your grace," Said the voice of Lord Tywin. "I'm sure Tyrion did not mean to threaten the King," Tywin's low and commanding voice said. Silence fell again before Tyrion started to chuckle.

"A bad joke, Your Grace," He chuckled, realising the knife. "I may have an envy of your royal manhood," Joffrey was angry which made Riva bite a laugh back. Tyrion started to slide off his seat. "Mine is so small, my wife wouldn't even know I'm there," Some chuckles broke throughout the hall.

"Your uncle is clearly quite drunk, Your Grace," Tywin huffed.

"I am...guilty," Tyrion said, draining his clear goblet. "But..." He stumbled around as he moved around the table. "But it is my wedding night. My tiny drunk cock and I have a job to do..." He trailed, his arms up in arrest before he stumbled into another table. "Come wife," He lazily walked over to Sansa and gently grabbed her arm. They started to walk through the crowd of people. "I once vomited on a girl in the middle of doing it...I'm not proud of it. But I think honesty is important between a man and a wife," He looked back at Sansa. "Don't you agree? Come, I'll tell you all about it, it'll put you in the mood," Tyrion's voice faded along with him and Sansa. Riva sighed and stared at her goblet, wishing that she could just disappear. Someone else decided to join her.

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