Chapter Fourteen: Dinner With The Lions

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Riva opened the door and the maid was there to guide her to the dining room. She gasped when she saw Riva. "My Lady! You cannot attend any events with Lord Tywin, King Joffrey, Queen Margaery, Queen Cersei, Lady Sansa, Ser Jaime and Lord Tyrion wearing that!" She hissed, shooing her back in the room.

"That is a lot of people to eat with," Riva mumbled as the maid quickly closed the door. She quickly untied the laces of Riva's tunic and overcoat. As soon as Riva was left in her underclothes, the maid shoved a Lannister Red felt dress on her which showed her curves off. The maid got some gold metal and attached it to Riva's mid-drift. She brushed Riva's crimson hair and braided it together and then let it fall over her right shoulder. The felt red sleeves felt warm and soft against her ice burn. The maid placed a gold necklace on her bare neck, that necklace managed to cover a faded scar Bravvos gave her as a farewell...what a lovely farewell it was. The maid placed a small gold tiara with red jewels incrusted into it on top of her head. The maid stepped back and admired her work. "So perfect for my designs...and breath-taking let's go to dinner now," The maid announced, offering her hand. Riva took it, she hasn't even looked in the mirror and didn't notice what colours she was wearing.

"What is your name?" She asked the maid.

"You shouldn't know my name,"

"If you are to be my maid, I want to know your name," Riva argued, jogging to keep up with the maid. She blushed madly.

"Rose," She smiled sweetly. Riva grinned.

"Lovely name," Riva remarked.

"Not as lovely as yours, My Lady," Riva turned to face her maid.

"I'm no Lady, I demand you to call me Sylvia," She stated with a slight smirk. Rose chuckled and nodded. They walked in tranquil until the arrived at two large brown doors that had gold lions imprinted on either side of the oak doors. Two knights in golden armour and white cloaks whipped opened the doors and presented the lions, the rose and the lone wolf. They all stopped their conversation and looked up at Riva. With a small smile, she strode into the room, her Lannister red fabric flowing behind her. The only seat spare was one and the bottom, directly in front of Tywin who sat at the top of the table. Jaime sat to his left, Tyrion sat besides Jaime and Sansa sat besides Tyrion and was to the right of Riva. Margaery sat to Tywin's right, besides her King Joffrey and then the Queen, Cersei. Riva slid into her seat and her glass goblet was filled halfway with thick red wine.

"Well don't you look dashing in Lannister colours," Tyrion observed, breaking up the silence. Riva looked down at her dress and gasped. She looked behind her and saw Rose smirk and wave slightly before being escorted away.

"Thank you," She muttered through gritted teeth.

"You're late," Cersei hissed, but sounding polite when her father was here.

"Apologies, I wasn't properly dressed," She drank from her goblet, engulfing the thick wine. Riva looked up and saw everyone glaring at her. Cersei gave her a hateful glare. Tywin and Joffrey looked intrigued. Margaery and Sansa were smiling warmly. Jaime looked like he lost his breath and Tyrion just looked at her casually. Riva looked down, feeling awkward.

"As I was saying, Jaime, you need to leave the Kings guard and be the heir to Casterly Rock and then be betrothed, keep our family name," Tywin broke the silence. Riva sighed with relief when the attention was off her, but not for long. Dinner was brought to them. It was a pig and some cooked plants. Serval bits of cutlery laid either side of Riva's silver plate. Different sized knives, forks and spoons. Riva eyed Cersei and picked up what Cersei picked up and used them according to how Cersei used them, lucky, Cersei was too focused on Tywin's and Jaime's conversation. Riva listened too but kept watching Cersei to know what cutlery to use. What Riva didn't see was Joffrey watching her like a hawk.

𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟//𝐆𝐨𝐓Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum