𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒖𝒆: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑳𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒐𝒏

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Riva sat at the dining room in silence; she played with the cooked pig on her plate with her silver cutlery. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a small and messy ponytail, her emerald green eyes glared down at her plate, she stabbed her meat and moved it through all the different liquids that laid before her. Her lips were slightly parted as she sighed. She wore a fitted blue gown that had a lovely light cape, Riva hated it. She hated how it made men drool over her, she wanted to wear armour like members of the Kingsguard, and she wanted to be in the Kingsguard. Suddenly, the doors swung open and the youngest member of the Kingsguard came in, his golden hair shimmering in the candlelight.

"My Lord, two people were trying to steal your gold, they are caught. What do you suggest we do?"

"Burn them...Burn them all!" He roared.

"Father, burning people isn't going to spread a message, is it?" Riva mumbled, but everyone heard her complaints.

"What did you say to me!?" He roared, standing up, almost flipping the table. Riva also stood up.

"I said burning people's family members are going to make them hate you more!" Riva shouted, stepping away from her chair and table. Her father did the same. Jaime slowly started to move away but shortly told to stay by his king.

"They've shouldn't have committed the crime in the first place!"

"They committed the crime because you burnt their loved ones so they want revenge!" Riva cried back. Aerys walked over to his daughter until swiping her across the face. Riva collapsed to the floor, holding her face that was bleeding; his ring cut her face deeply. Jaime flinched at the sudden movement. Riva's knees shake as she stands up; they also bleed from the impact of the floor.

"Don't talk to me like that," He spat at his daughter. "Now let's talk about that prince you need to marry," Aerys stated, sitting down as if nothing had happened. "Stay," He said to Jaime who was trying to leave.

"I'm not marrying that twat!" Riva screamed at her father. "I am a dragon. Fire runs through my blood! I will not marry any prince who will take that away from me!"

"You will!" He roared back.

"I'm 14!" She screamed. He stood back up, spilling his wine.

"Marry him or live somewhere else!"

"I'd rather live somewhere else!" She screamed at him. Her father chuckled dryly, shaking his head. He sat back down while his daughter glared at him, her face red from anger.

"Very well then," He turned to Jaime and then back at Riva. "You will be exiled to Bravvos," Her jaw dropped.


"Jaime, help this one pack, I'll sign the documents before she leaves," He stated before storming out of the dining room. She watched her father leave in cantonic shock, her hands resting on her seat.

"Princess?" Jaime asked and she turned her sad glaze to him.

"Hmm?" He motioned to the door.

"We should go now before...he comes back," She nods sadly before strolling through the other door. Jaime followed her close behind, his hand placed on top of his sword, ready to attack anyone who might find it amusing to attacked the exiled princess. Cersei watched and scoffed as they walked by.

"Cersei, kings orders,"

"What's happening? Where is she going?"

"She's being sent away from Kingslanding and to Bravos," He said before following Riva. Once in her boxed room, Jaime helped her put away clothes, well, he packed everything. Riva just sat on her window-still and stared out to the seas to watch the ships leave and come in.

𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟//𝐆𝐨𝐓Where stories live. Discover now