Fuck you

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A dream. This is a dream.
"F-F-Fuck you" You mutter out.

"Oh what did you say, darling?" The clown laughs.

"Fuck. You!" You yell, bringing your arm back and swinging, hitting his face. His head flies back, his hands letting go of you.
You crawl back, turning and going on your feet. You start running, not knowing exactly where but just running. You had punched him. You hurt him.

You look around. The sky was red, the trees black. You have to wake up.

"HEY" you scream "WAKE UP!!"

You hear a loud growl, making your head turn. It echoed through your head, letting you know it was the clown.
You look in front of you, then screaming as you fall back, your feet shoving the dirt beneath you to stop you from going any further. The world seemed to stop, the floor ending just 5 feet in front of you, leading to total oblivion. You look back to hear menacing laughter.
It's a dream, it's a dream, it's a dream.
You get up, looking down at the dark, dark oblivion.
You could hear the clowns footsteps.
Your heart beats in your chest, your veins beating with it so your body jumped through each blood flow.
You run and push your feet off the ground, closing your eyes and letting gravity do it's work. You start falling.
Falling and falling until your senses forced you to open your eyes and you see the ground coming towards you.
You scream

You shoot up from your bed, actually screaming. You look around your area, seeing you room once again. You were breathing heavily, adrenaline still flowing.
You hear knocks on your door, making you jump.

"(Y/n)?! Are you okay? I heard you scream!" You hear Jade call out.

"Y-yeah... I'm fine" You answer, your throat dry. You get up and open your door. Jades eyes scan you to make sure you were safe before sighing, rubbing her tired eyes.

"Jesus, don't scare me like that!! I thought you were getting murdered!" She cries.

"I had a terrible nightmare-" You mutter, rubbing your arm. Your arm hairs rose in goosebumps.

Suddenly you both hear heavy knocks on the front door.
*knock* *knock* *knock*
You and Jade both stare at each other, then to the direction of the door.

"Who is that?" Jade asks.

Short chapter, sorry. Not trying to post too many things at one time.

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