Chapter 2

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Kai's POV:

It's been long since I saw someone with so much life. If I say it my way it's SERI- OUSLY LONG. A bit of childishness with a dash of maturity very rare to see .

I could sense her glare towards me all the time in the cafè. What did she see in me? Or rather I guess I saw something in her Her heart pure as holy Grail ,soul colourful as a rainbow. It makes me think still how could someone be more beautiful. I've been thinking about her since I saw her, but then I know I shouldn't.

I have to keep myself suppressed for her benefit I guess. After what I have gone through I will make sure that no living life goes through that phase or rather I just keep myself away from such life and go back to where I belong not disturbing the harm's way.

But how long will I able to keep myself away from the laws of attraction ?? May be coming back to City Life is a wrong decision.

Your POV:

So the guy from the street cafè . Quite a guy to fall for you see. Made in heaven that isn't to be meant ironical but yes peice of art.  I know we just met for a moment though and that wasn't bothering me, but who knows if I meet him again Kai; such a beautiful name .  I wish I had my name like that.

I still remember is remenescing short smile he gave. I shouldn't be thinking much I know I won't meet him again I such a humongous monstrous city. Well well who knows about the future ,I don't even know what will I have for dinner tomorrow. Clumsy me forever.

Knowing HimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora