33. The reality hit

Start from the beginning

"Hey... Relax, drink slowly or else you will choke" he said, pulling the glass a little down and looking at me concerned. Stop it Mr. Shekhawat! You don't have any idea what those eyes of yours are doing to me.

"Thank you" I said as soon as I finished drinking and handed the glass back to him. I left me to keep the glass down and I suddenly missed his warmth. Shut up!

"I need to use the restroom" I made an excuse to be out of here, as soon as he turned to me and he smiled at me. What's with him smiling so much?

"Sure... Let me help you" he replied and took a step towards me but I stopped him.

"It's okay. I will manage" I said and dragged my body to the corner of the bed, pulling my legs down, to stand up.

"You couldn't even sit properly, how will you be able to walk!? Let me help you" he said stubbornly. I looked at him and shook my head lightly.

"I said I am fi... Ahh" I couldn't complete as I got up suddenly and felt dizzy. I held my head immediately and stretched my another hand for some kind of support. My hand landed on something and I held onto it, tightly. I steadied my breathing, back to normal and opened my eyes again. I realised that my hand was holding Swayam's hand in a death grip again and his another arm was around my shoulder, holding me from falling down.

"I said you I will help! See now, the pain just got severe!" He scolded me like a mother, to which I couldn't help but smile at his adorable angry yet worried face.

"I said I am fine..." I whispered and he glared at me immediately.

"Stop saying that you are fine, when you are clearly not! Stop lying to me" I said irritated. I pressed my lips together and gulped down the giggle that was threatening to come out. I cleared my throat next and looked back at him.

"Will you leave me and let me walk? You know, I want to get in there urgently" I said pointing towards the attached door to the room, which was washroom I guess. He averted his gaze from my face and made a little space between us, but not at all leaving me.

"No, I will not leave you. I will help you walk till there" he said and when I was about to protest, he raised his eyebrows at me, giving me a stern look.

"And no! You will not say you will be fine" he added and I closed my open mouth. Is he mind reader or something? I looked away in defeat and let him hold me. I started moving and felt the dizziness shoot back. There was none if I am still, but as soon as there is some movement, it starts hurting. Taking small steps, I reached the door and opened it and held onto its frame. Swayam switched on the lights and I passed him a grateful smile.

"Thank you again..." I said as I took a step forward but he didn't seem to leave me. I looked back at him and cleared my throat. As if coming out of some trance, he left me and smiled tight lipped. I entered and shut the door, taking a breath of relief.

I opened the door after few minutes, after the deed was done. I looked into the room to see that there was a nurse setting some medicines on the side table. I stepped out and immediately, within seconds, Swayam was by my side, helping me to the bed. I passed him a grateful smile as soon as I sat on the bed.

"Hello dear, how are you feeling now?" The nurse asked me.

"I am feeling better. But my head hurts too much if I move" I said palming my forehead and she nodded in understanding.

"That's completely normal and natural. Take this medicine, it will help" she replied, handing me a medicine and holding a glass of water in her hands. I took the tablet and drank water immediately. After handing her the glass back, I tried moving back on the bed. I sighed thinking that I don't want to sleep anymore. I shifted further back and tried adjusting the pillow, for proper comfy to sit but it didn't move this time. I looked at the side to see that Swayam had held it. My hands immediately left the pillow and I adjusted myself, whereas Swayam adjusted the pillow behind me.

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