Chapter 7

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Woah, it's been a looooooooong time. I am soooo sorry for the late update, y'all my muse ain't keeping up with me. Really really sorry.

“So, can I come with yah?” Rhett asks him, hope vivid on his olive green eyes. “Nah, I think I can handle this on my own.” Rick squints at him, trying his best to try to intimidate the other man. Rick waits for a threat coming from him, or maybe Rhett’s group to ambush him and take what is left of his duffle bag. Rhett reaches out to touch his shoulder, Rick flinches and when Rick was ready to lay a punch on the taller man’s face, Rhett spoke up “Look, Rick...I’m all alone, I got separated from my family for a week. Just give me some smidge of hospitality here.” Rhett confesses with a genuine tone, the same tone Rick heard when Bob asked to join his group. Rick’s thoughts flashes back to Abraham, Rosita and Eugene. Maggie said that they were her friends, and maybe, just maybe Rhett can be one of them too.  Rick rakes his hand up and down his face, rubbing away the frustration. “Yah have to answer 3 questions first and it will be my decision if I should let you come with me or not.”Rhett contemplates for a moment then said, “Okay, shoot” “How many walkers have you killed?” Rick asks. “Too many to count.” Rhett answers in a short huff, Rick nods at him understandingly. “How many people have you killed?” Rick asks again. “4.” Rhett answers quickly. “Why?” Rick trails off. “A group ambushed us; they tried to take what was left of our supplies.”

After a few seconds of silence Rhett waved his hand in front of Rick’s eyes, “So, can I come with you?” Rick nods, trusting his gut instinct to let Rhett come with him. “Where are we going?” Rhett looks around the forest; the wind is still cool and bitter. “Have you seen any roads 'round here?” Rick asks Rhett, Rhett ponders deeply, “Yeah, I’ve seen one not far away from here, c’mon I’ll show you” He gestures Rick to follow him. They walk 30 minutes towards the said Road, the walk was awkward and tension filled, and that was until, Rhett started cracking jokes here and there about random things and bombards Rick with random but somewhat interesting Fun facts. Rick still kept his “Don’t mess with me, I will kill you” demeanor, which only lasted 15 minutes till Rick couldn’t help but smile or laugh at the other man’s antics. . Although it may not be the appropriate time to ask him what happened to his family; Rick will keep it in his mind when they get closer than what they currently are, he will ask him what happened.

The crumble of rubble under their feet soothes Rick’s bones as he took a step one by one, His walk became slightly frantic as he thinks that maybe, somewhere near here is his group.  After what seems like a lifetime of power walking, Rhett finally spoke up, “Hey,man stop doing that, you’ll hurt your leg or something.” Rick lets out an impressed snort, “Yeah, it would be stupid to pull something right now, ain’t it?” Rick teases, “When we find your group, they’ll think that your leg was my fault or something.” Rhett rolls his eyes. Rhett squints from a distance, “Your safe house, is it a cottage of some sort? because I see a cottage up ahead.” Before Rhett could look at Rick, Rick is already sprinting towards the cottage that is a good distance away from them both. “Dammit” Rhett mutters silently before catching up toward the other man.

Rick was a mere feet away from the cottage when he stopped and caught his breath. “I’ll knock first, man.” Rhett suggest. Rhett knocks and listens in on the house, voices can be heard before a man shuts them up with a sharp “Shhh” The door swings open, a man points a crossbow at Rhett and mutters, “Who are you?” The other man says threateningly, but before Rhett could answer the man’s question, Rick pulled Rhett toward him. The other man looked at Rick with wide eyes, “Rick?” the man said with a shocked face. Rick did not answer him, instead Rick went in for a hug, “I found you, all of you.”  Rick let go off him and turned to Rhett who has a small smile on his face, “Rhett, this is Daryl” He gestures to the taller man, Rhett holds out his hand to him and muttered, “Hi.” Daryl turned towards Rick questioningly, “He saved my life.” Rick mutters under his breath. Daryl hesitantly grabbed his hand and said, “Thanks for uh, saving him. “ Daryl said, not looking at Rhett but instead looking at the side with his jaws clenched. Rick goes in the shack hugging everyone including a kid with a hat. They all looked at Rhett curiously, “Everyone, this is Rhett, he helped me.” Rhett waved awkwardly. A girl with a thick southern accent spoke up and said, “Well, if you trust him, we trust him too. Welcome to the group, Rhett.”


                          (Next chapter will be updated when this reaches 30 or more reads) ily xxx

Written In My Heart (Rickyl, RickxDaryl, Romance, Angst and Fluff, ~ON HOLD~)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu