Chapter 12

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Rhett chose to sit at the back with the newbie as Daryl loaded the trunk with the stuff they found at the store, what they found was not even enough to last the whole day, but Aaron, Aaron promised to give them everything inside his backpack. Daryl, as observant as he is, eyed the said pack earlier; It was surely full of heavy stuff because Aaron had to hunch and struggle when he was taking it out of his car, so with that, Daryl is confident. Daryl often glanced at the rear view mirror to eaves drop on Rhett and Aaron's conversation, they seem so casual and cool, Daryl alternated his focus between the road and the two men behind him. It was refreshing for him to at least witness a non-frightening exchange of words between a member of them and a new member. Rick and Daryl has always been aggressive when talking to people they meet on the road, but Daryl knew that once they reach the house, he would have to let this easy side dissipate.

The roar of the engine died down as the vehicle halted in front of the house door, the door opened slowly as Rick emerged, his hands on his hips and a gun on his holster. Rick's eyebrows knot in confusion as he squints at the much shorter and punier man they are with, "Daryl?" he says quietly, Daryl hums at him as he carried the bags in one-by-one, "Who's that?" Daryl looked up at him with a slight squint, "Hopefully, help." He answered.

They finished loading everything inside as the four men piled up on the doorway to introduce Aaron to everyone, the slow creak of the door caught everyone's attention as Rick got inside first, folding his arms in front of his chest as he leaned on the bedroom door, "Everyone, this is Aaron." He introduced.

"He offered us help." Daryl stated, trying to ease everyone's tension. "Uhm, uh...Not-not just help but also shelter, see here." Aaron stutters as he handed out the photographs of their so-called, "Community", "We have electricity and everything." He states, gesturing his hand on the picture of their solar panel that Rick is holding, "What's the catch, huh? You're going to bleed us out and cook us?" Rick said threateningly, "What. No." Aaron replies, his face visibly displaying disgust and confusion, "Rick." Michonne scolds, she sighs as she looks at their leader, "We need this." Michonne whispers, Aaron caught her attention as he nods at her, "Uh, Rhett...Can you hand me my pack?" He asks the taller man, Rhett glances from Daryl and Rick as he nods his agreement to Aaron, Rhett picked up the pack and gave it to Aaron with a smile; He opened the said backpack and pulled out several cans of food, rolls of bandages and strips of jerky, "here." Aaron quips as he handed it to them, Rick eyes the supplies menacingly as he swiped the jerky from Carl's hand, Rick advanced at Aaron at a quick speed as his knuckles are full-blown white and his face red with anger, Daryl immediately got in front of Rick, blocking Aaron from his vision, "What are you doing, Rick?" He whispers sharply, "Get out of my way, Daryl." If Rick's death stare could kill, Aaron would be long gone, Aaron's big puppy-like eyes tries it's hardest to avoid looking into Rick's very angry and very frightening glare, "Look, Rick we appreciate you trying to protect us, we really do. But could you at least listen to what he's gotta say?" Maggie said in a frustrated but understanding tone, she looks up at Rick with her big and hunter green eyes, scanning the face of their leader for signs of agreement. Once Rick slowly nodded at her, she faced Aaron fully, her hopeful and wary posture calmed Aaron down as he handed her the low quality photos he snapped days before scavenging for new members, the photos turned out rustic and blurry but it did not stopped the smile from Maggie's face as she whispers, "Perfect." She hands back the photos to Aaron as she looks up at Rick and nods, "Where?" Rick whispers . 

                    AUTHOR'S NOTE:  I'm very,very sorry for not updating but I will never give up on this fic. Hope you guys still reads this! xxx ily


Written In My Heart (Rickyl, RickxDaryl, Romance, Angst and Fluff, ~ON HOLD~)Where stories live. Discover now