Chapter 1

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Hi, this is my first series... I'm a newbie at this. I'm sorry in advance for the mistakes and my poor writing skills. Bear with me on this... Love you!

It's only been hours since they last saw each other but with every ticking minute, it feels like a day.

Daryl's knees were weak but he kept moving forward for Rick, he still believes that Rick made it out of terminus and he will hold on to that thought till it gets him through today because Daryl knows that nothing can stop him from going all ape-shit in the morning if Rick doesn't come back tonight.

As hard as it is, He can't blame Rick for what he did, Rick wanted to stay longer so that he can unleash his pure and raw hatred upon Gareth and his colony. It hurts to think that these feelings Daryl has for him would remain unnoticed and undiscovered, his feelings for Rick has been there since Sophia ran away and shit, he managed to bear this love even when Lori and Shane were always in the way. 

After they left terminus, Daryl and the rest of the group except for Rick were heading for a small shack where Rick, Michonne, Carl and Him checked out while they were on their way to Terminus. Rick told Daryl that if they ever split up this is the place that they'd meet up.

When they were at terminus, Rick and the other's planned out what their tactics were when they jump on the people of terminus, so as planned, it was a bloodbath to the point that they almost lost Bob in the midst of it, Thankfully, Carol and Tyreese barged in on the right time where everyone was slowly losing hope. When Carol saw them, She quickly handed Judith to Eugene which was inside a barricade that was made of Rick, Daryl, Abraham and Glenn. As much as it hurts Daryl to see someone like Eugene sitting pretty in an apocalyptic world, He knows that Abraham would do anything to protect Eugene which means if he sends Eugene away, it would mean Abraham would be leaving to and they cannot afford to lose someone like Abraham right now, Abraham is the strongest new member they have. 

They were all heading out the gate, when Rick stopped and turned to Daryl and said "Go on ahead I'll catch up, Bring everyone to the meeting point I'll be there by nightfall" Daryl opened his mouth to argue but Rick quickly cut him off by saying, "Keep them safe,Daryl" Rick squeezed Daryl shoulders gently and with that Rick was running back to terminus raining hell on the termites' way. 

"He would be okay..He's tough,he got this" Daryl thought to himself when they were running past the trees and away from that godforsaken place. 

Written In My Heart (Rickyl, RickxDaryl, Romance, Angst and Fluff, ~ON HOLD~)Where stories live. Discover now