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mackenzie was a smart girl, one of the smartest girls in the school. everyone called her 'perfect' as she was the prettiest girl in her grade, she was tough, knew how to stand up for others and herself, even gretta was scared of her. but kenzie was one of the nicest friend anyone could have. 

no one could be that perfect, so people spread rumors stating that she was hiding something, probably something dirty

that turned out to be bullshit, but she still was hiding something. hiding it not emotionally, physically. her father made her take pills because of her 'extreme anxiety and panic attacks.'  and if she didn't take these pills and her father found out, her house would become alcatraz.

kenzie learned to pull through, and forget any drama gretta made up about her. "it's only because she's scared of you kenz," her little sister would say. "i'm scared of you!" kat was kenzie's little sister, and they were best friends. even though kat was 8, she always knew how to cheer kenz up. 

the bell finally rang the noise piercing kenzie's ears. she should be used to it, as she bangs her sticks on her drums every day. she walks down the hallway and fixes up her black dress and jacket. she tucks her wavy, short blonde hair behind her ear and walks through the hall, the boys in her grade eyeing her up.

 she wanted to puke in her mouth, most of the boys were disgusting. especially the bowers gang. if they went missing, the school would most likely thank the murderer.

mackenzie walks past the girl's bathroom and sees gretta kicking at a stall. "fuck" kenz mumbles as she walks in. "gretta! what are you doing?" she yells, frightening the girls. "showing bever-ly that shes trash." gretta hisses. 

"leave her alone gap tooth." kenzie hisses. "what did you say slut?" gretta asks, stepping away from the stall. "i said, leave her alone!" kenzie then punches her in the nose, grettas goons screaming and stepping back.

"fuck this!" gretta whines, standing up and running away followed by her minions.

"beverly, they're gone. you can come out" kenzie whispers.

the stall opens and beverly steps out. she has long red hair and is wearing a floral black dress. mackenzie and beverly looked very simalir, same style, same personality, the wore bracelets and rings on the same hands. "thanks mackenzie" she thanked. "no problem, gretta is a bitch. don't let her get to you." she smiles warmly.

they both hand each other their yearbooks and sign them, kenzie writes "kenzie brooks" with a star and music note. when she receives her book she sees "beverly marsh" with a couple of hearts. "cute" she complements and beverly smiles. they both walk out and start going their separate ways, "see you around miss marsh" kenz winks, getting a wave and giggle from beverly.

☆♬○♩●♪✧♩  ♩✧♪●♩○♬☆

"look its mackenzie brooks" richie mutters as his friends empty their books into a trash can. "got a problem r-r-richie?" bill stutters, throwing his bag onto his back. "no, i just-"

"someone has a crush! someone has a-" eddie starts chanting getting a finger from richie. kenzie starts to walk over to the boys, who freeze in their tracks. kenz knew some of them, as she shared science with bill and richie, maths with stanley and social studies and english with eddie.

"hey boys got any plans for summer?" she says warmly as she throws a couple of books in the trash. "no not really" eddie smiles looking up at her, as he was the shortest kid in their grade. "alright see you boys around" she smiles with a wink.

kenzie then started walking towards the bike stand, when a classmate stopped her and started up a conversation by a nearby tree.

"shes nice, i wish you boys were more talkative around her" stan chimed in. "aye you can't talk stan," eddie starts. "well, all you three freeze like a deer in headlights when she talks to you all!" stan argue. "hey, hey s-s-stop it!" bill sighs. 

the group goes silent, until eddie perks up. "what if we go to the quarry?" eddie suggests trying to change the subject. "guys we have the b-b-ba-barrens" bill stutters, leaning on a trash can. "oh yeah, right." richie sighs.  

not long after the boys start to leave, when someone pulls the tag on richies bag and flings him back into stan. this grabs the attention of kenzie, who was still chatting to a classmate not long after her conversation with the boys. she finishes her conversation and walks over to the group.

"you s-s-s-suck bowers!" bill yells as she arrives. "shut up bill!" eddie hisses. kenz then notices stan and richie on the ground. she rushes over and helps them up. she leans down and offers her hand to richie, who gets lost in her eyes. he has never witnessed someone's eyes as blue as hers, they almost reminded him of the ocean, glistening and sparkly. "are you going to take my hand or what?" she says. 

richie sobers up and realizes that he's been staring at her for a while. he scrambles and takes her hand as she pulls him up. "dang your strong" he says. "yeah, well i have been swimming since i was like 2" she replied, "and knowing you richie toizer, that's the closest to a thank you right?" she giggles. 

"oh t-thank you," he says, lost for words. "i'm only teasing you toizer." she smirks, ruffling his hair. she looks over and sees henry bowers approaching bill. "shit, hold on" she sighs and walks up to them.  when eddie sees her he bolts behind her, like a human shield. 

"you got a free ride this year, because of your little brother. rides over denbrough, " he pauses and glances over at a cop and back at bill, "this summers going to be a hurt train for you and your faggot friends." he then licks his hand and wipes it on bills face, eddie almost threw up there and then. they start walking over to their car and patrick mimicks bills stutter. 

"wish he'd go missing" richie pipes up. "probably the one doing it" eddie sighs.

"they're just a bunch of assholes," kenz sighs as she fiddles with one of her ear piercings. "anyways, see you all around" 

she starts to leave, leaving the boys standing there, "she's cute." eddie says.

richie smiles. 

"yeah, she is bitchin" 

✓ bitchin. 》RICHIE TOZIER ◃:✮.❃✰♫Where stories live. Discover now