This is Bull

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Chapter Quote:
 "Your thoughts become things."
~Rhonda Byrne

Chapter 15: This is Bull


She paced nervously back and forth in her room, waiting for Alec and Isabelle to come over in a few minutes. Bryn had already delivered the news to Silena and Brady about Amara currently taking residence in her body, and they'd taken it surprisingly well, especially her brother. In fact, he finished the sentence for her, which made the whole ordeal extremely anti-climactic. However, having the two of them not flip out made it easier.

Bryn hated having Amara inside her, but it was the only way to save her friends quickly. She dreaded telling Luke when the time came. Hopefully, he'd be understanding about it despite her horrible track record with making deals with immortals.

Bryn couldn't help but think how immortals had made her life miserable, even her divine relatives. She and Luke hadn't dated sooner because of the hissy fit they predicted Poseidon and Zeus would throw. The two of them were staunchly against it, and it was only later on Bryn realized it was because she was supposed to die, another thing they'd decided to keep from her until she started getting too cozy with Luke. Not to mention Zeus and Aphrodite letting Bryn believe her family was dead, or Hades for allowing Hallie to live in the hellish conditions she'd been in with a Cyclops, or the Big Three stupidly leaving their weapons lying about on Olympus for the taking. This was how the first war Percy was in started. Did they not learn?

Bryn's thoughts were interrupted by knocking at her door. She went to open it. Alec and Isabelle stood there, still in their pajamas. They shuffled into her room, taking a seat on the couch across from her.

"So what's this about?" asked Isabelle. "You sounded worried on the phone."

Bryn took a seat across from them on her bed, clasping her hands tightly to stop them from shaking. "Look, I must admit that without the two of you, I would not have gotten as far as I have as fast as I have. I know it wasn't smooth sailing in the beginning, but I'm grateful both of you stayed. I don't trust many people. In fact, the only people I've truly trusted up to this point are currently all in Silena and Derek's room or are about to be rescued from the last Eidolon. But after what the two of you have done for me and my friends, you deserve to know something about me. I haven't told you yet because I didn't want to lose the two people who were helping me, and if you want to leave after this, I completely understand."

Alec and Isabelle shared a look, and the latter inquired hesitantly, "What is it?"

Bryn took a deep breath. "In regards to how I bartered with Amara to get the cure for my friends, I had to make a deal with her. That deal required me to-"

"She's in you right now, isn't she?" Alec interrupted.

"She's in you right now, isn't she?" Alec interrupted

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"I wish there were a better way to put it, but yes..." Bryn hung her head for a moment, cheeks aflame with shame. "How did you know?"

"You never did tell us how you got the information, and honestly? I know you survived Tartarus and all, but there's no way you should've been able to do half the things you've done after half the things you've been through. Like defeating Melinoë? Even an incredibly powerful demigod shouldn't have been able to break through the madness, even if I did accidentally punch you. I knew something was up after that."

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