I'm Engaged?

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Chapter Quote:
"The best way to predict the future is to create it."

Chapter 12: I'm Engaged?


"Bryn! It's time to wake up!" Luke's voice encouraged. Bryn's eyes fluttered open. She was greeted by her boyfriend's smiling face staring down at her. He let out a chuckle when he saw her awake. "Hey there, Sleeping Beauty!"

"Why are you waking me up, and why are you so cheerful?" she murmured.

"Because we have about an hour before we need to leave for our trip today."

"What's that again?"

"We're going sailing for the day

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"We're going sailing for the day. We're going to snorkel in some caves, have dinner by a fire on the beach, and have a catamaran all to ourselves. It's a great start to our honeymoon."

"Our honeymoon," Bryn repeated, the word sounding strange on her tongue. As much as she enjoyed the thought, something about it felt off. "Where are we again?"

"Puerto Vallarta. You feeling okay there, Cat Woman?"

"Yeah, yeah, just disoriented. I'm really sleepy."

"Maybe this will wake you up a little." Luke leaned down and gently pressed his lips to hers. Bryn melted into it, suddenly becoming much more awake; but she was only aware of her body against her husband's. "Did that work?"

"Yes, very much so," she murmured. "Luke... what happened with the Eidolons?"

"You don't remember?" He scrunched up his face. "Are you feeling okay? Did you hit your head earlier?"

"I feel fine. I don't think I hit my head earlier. That's the thing... I can't remember anything up until this point. What happened?"

"We won. Like we always do."

"I get that we won, but how?"

"I really don't know. I think we just got lucky. Now come on, I don't want to be late for our sailing trip!" Giving her one last peck on the cheek, her husband bounded off into the bathroom, turning on some music, and singing quietly off-key. Bryn rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, but something was still wrong. As much as she thoroughly enjoyed the fact that she and Luke were on their honeymoon, she couldn't shake the feeling that she should remember a lot more than she did, which was practically nothing. She remembered going to Pollux's house and having a heart-to-heart with Derek about letting Amara in and then going to sleep, but she didn't remember saving Silena or Hallie, or getting the Eidolons out of Bradley and Luke, or rescuing the entire planet from the Eidolon's world domination plan. Most importantly, she couldn't remember her own wedding.

"Gods, what's wrong with me?" Bryn whispered to herself, rubbing the sides of her head.

"Nothing, dear," Aphrodite chimed, suddenly appearing in front of the demigod and making her jump.

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