What Did You Do

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I couldn't bear to leave you on a cliff hanger so here you go!

Chapter Quote:
"There are no secrets that time does not reveal."
~Jean Racine

Chapter 9: What Did You Do


"Damianos. He must've gotten ahold of her and shadow-travelled to where he was keeping me underground," Brady said grimly. "And unfortunately, I have not one bloody clue as to where that is."

"How can you not know that? You were imprisoned for what... a week?" Alec demanded, glaring at the younger Winchester.

"It's kind of hard to know where you are when your captor shadow-travels with you everywhere he goes," he retorted.

"Boys," Isabelle intervened before they could get into a proper argument which her brother seemed good at starting, "We need to focus. Brady, we're not letting you out of our sight because I know Bryn would kill us if we let you get kidnapped again so Alec, you go see if you can find where she and Damianos went. I'll stay here with Brady and see what I can do about those cuffs he has on."

Her brother decided not to argue, but Isabelle was pretty sure that was because he wanted to find Bryn more than anything else

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Her brother decided not to argue, but Isabelle was pretty sure that was because he wanted to find Bryn more than anything else. He would never say so, but she was pretty sure that her brother was starting to fall for the daughter of Zeus. She couldn't blame him. Bryn was the only person besides Isabelle that wouldn't put up with his crap, was confident and sure of herself, and underneath that hardened, battle-worm exterior, a genuinely kind-hearted person. Despite the disagreements and arguments the two of them had gotten into, Bryn and Alec seemed to be on the same page now. It seemed to have changed after the brush with madness. Isabelle hadn't let her brother know because he had enough in his plate, but that vision had messed her up, especially seeing her younger brother again; she and Alec had practically raised Simon, making sure he always had food in his stomach before they did, always making sure he had shoes on his feet and clothes on his back. Some of the responsibility had been lifted off of them when they got to camp, but they still took full responsibility over him.

Losing Simon in the war had been devastating and the memory of it was still all too fresh in Isabelle's mind...

"Long time no see," Brady said quietly, his green eyes meeting her dark brown ones. Despite his malnourished, haggard appearance, the spark of mischief was still very much in his eyes, reminding Isabelle of why she had liked the guy in the first place. He was a couple years younger than her but life had made him age and mature faster than most. In fact, that seemed to be the norm for demigods.

"I'd ask how you've been, but I can see from your appearance that you haven't been doing well."

"I was doing fine until some monsters decided to possess my friends. Now they're scattered all over the world, my sister has done god knows what to find out information about them."

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