Chapter Eleven

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The next day, Namine went to the library earlier than usual so she can choose the best novel to read before any student finds it. Finally, she finds Jamie McGuire's Beautiful Disaster and borrowed it for a week. She went to the university park to read because she had always been the kind who finds concentration when their are noises around.

As she sat on one of the bench, she accidentally spotted Noah and Anastasia making out while laying on a blanket on the grass field. For a moment she felt pained that she starts looking away pretending she didn't see anything. It's funny how Noah could publicly kiss Anastasia when he couldn't even kiss her privately when they were together.

She started thinking there could be something wrong with her or her body that Noah has never shown signs of being sexually attracted to her and even if she wanted to deny it, she feels jealous Anastasia has Noah and she has him the way she wanted to have him.

I'm glad they made it back. His voice echoed in her head, They only do when you are around, Noah. 

"Reading outside again?" says Daisy, walking towards Namine in her usual ripped jeans and black shirt outfit except that this time, there was something odd about her. Her hair changed. 

"Did you just dye your hair blue?" Namine chuckled and Daisy rolled her eyes. 

"Well, I just feel so blue but not like blue as in sad but more like blue, like the color" she explained. "So, where'd you go with Mister A-hole last night?"  she asked and Namine looked at her in surprise. 

"How'd you know?" she whispered. 

"Hello? You're with freaking Noah Heinsteele, news flies fast" Daisy said and Namine closes her book. 

"Last night, we agreed to be friends" she related and Daisy felt like she couldn't believe what she is hearing. She pulled Namine over to another bench with less people around and Namine started to become curious. 

"What's so private about telling you me and Noah agreed to be friends?" she asked and Daisy looked at her sternly it made her nervous. 

"You told me you wanted to move on and forget about him but why am I hearing this now?" Daisy said.

"Well it's not so bad. I mean, can't I change my mind?" 

"You can change your mind, YES" Daisy snapped, "But not for Noah. He destroyed you Namine and not until you give up that stupid love for him, it's just going to control you over and over again" she added. 

"Maurine told me something, she told me I can't be the one to break the ties and I've never been so confused in my life. She told me about safety, my safety and she told me I was changing Noah. Somehow, that gave my heart hope" Namine explained, 

"Hope for what? For love? For Noah? Noah is hopeless and everybody knows he wasn't and will never be good for anyone and do you want to know why?" she taunted, 

"Why?" Namine bravely asked, 

"He doesn't understand love" Daisy said, "He doesn't know how to love anyone, not you or any girl he has been with and EVERYBODY knows that" she added. 

Namine was silenced, she wanted to be angry but she can't be mad at someone who sincerely care about her. She gently wiped the tears on the side of her face, her heart and mind at war. Daisy left her alone for her to think thoroughly about her decisions but minutes after Daisy left, Noah came. 

"You want to hang out?" he asked. 

"I can't. I'm sorry" she mumbled, avoiding his gaze so he doesn't see she cried.

She feels confused about who to listen to. Herself and what her heart speaks or Daisy. Will she become happy if she listen to Daisy and avoid Noah for the rest of her life? or will she regret not giving it a chance?

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