Chapter Six

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"Your name sounds odd. Do you have a nickname?" Sean asked. The game was over and the pair earned a total of 1000 points together and 30 ace. After the play, they walked together to the locker room where they changed to their clothes.

Namine was still flustered from the whole foreplays she did with Sean, a total stranger for the moment but he will be her partner for the rest of the month or until they are reshuffled. "I'm normally called by my name but a friend calls me Minsy, guess you can call me that" she replied.

"Okay. Minsy then" Sean said. "What encouraged you to join Night Viper by the way?" he asked, wearing a plain red shirt over his head.

"I was curious, you?" she asked back.

"Same as you but I'm actually trying to discover my sexuality... you know, I need to figure out who I am" he explained, "I think this is the best place" he said.

"How can you not know?" Namine asked quizzically.

Sean sighed, "Well, I am confused. I mean, I do get the feeling I am a man but sometimes, I become something else... like a woman" He whispered the words 'a woman'

"So what we did in the playroom" Namine uttered, "Did you feel you were a man?" She asked again.

Sean nodded unsure and then he smiled, "I did but I was still hoping I can get paired with a man" he stated.

Namine laughed as she imagines Sean blowing some dick, "I can't imagine you with a man" she commented. He looked too manly.

Sean chuckled, knowing he receives a lot of comment about him being both manly and bisexual. Mostly negative. "That's what lots of people say but Minsy, whatever we do here stays here. I respect you when I see you outside" he said.

"Thanks! I do respect you too" she responded.

After dressing up, they went on the elevator. It was already 7 o'clock in the evening and it was raining outside.

"Here, you can have my umbrella" Sean said as he pulled out a pink foldable umbrella from his black, shoulder bag with a glittery name 'PINK'.

"It's okay, Sean-.."

"It's fine, man. I'll be taking her home" a familiar voice declared. It was Jared Heinsteele.

Sean's jaw dropped as he looked at the tall, blonde boy approaching them. His hair was messy but with the kind of masterpiece he was seeing upfront, messy hairs becomes some iconic fashion.

"Is he real?" Sean whispered to Namine. He could feel his heartbeat rising.

"Yes... of course?" Namine responded. She was a little bit embarrassed that Jared had to see her outside Heinsteele Corporation out of many places. She closed her eyes tightly in embarrassment as she bit her lip and Sean smiled suspiciously at her.

"Hi, Namine" Jared greeted with a wide smile. Sean momentarily got lost into space but he recovered when Namine called him and introduced him to Jared.

He was smiling geniunely. Jared Heinsteele awakened the woman within.

"I'll be going but can I shake your hands?" He asked. Namine looked at him with teasing eyes and Jared, who was clueless Sean was bisexual, shook his hand.

Sean got on his way using his pink umbrella. His apartment was just a walking distance like five blocks away and he swore to himself he'd never wash his hand when he gets home. As the both were left alone, Jared grabbed Namine and hugged her.

"I was thinking about you all summer!" He said then he looked at her, "I hate you" he teased.

Namine chuckled then she reached out to fix his hair, "I missed you" she said.

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