Chapter Five

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It has been signed. No more turning back.

Maureen let out a victorious smirk as she watches Namine's fingers hold tightly on the tip of the pen while her name was being drawn. Maureen gave Namine her entrance pass to the second floor and advised her to email her class schedule so they can book her session in advance.

Namine felt nervous. She was in doubt until she was out of the building. She can't comprehend what she was thinking but joining Night Viper would rather be a good place to see Noah everyday. To see a side of him she's never seen before. The side that intrigues her. A beauty turning into a beast.

She rode a cab back to her dorm and she saw Noah still on the same spot as when she left. She quickly walks to her door, her hands are shaking as she tries to swipe her key card so she could come in but the card kept sliding off her hands.

She grabbed the card when it hits the floor and accidentally hits her head on the door handle. She grunt in pain as she tightly shut her eyes while her hand is going over the affected area, a painful burning sensation.

She held on the door handle as she tried to stand then an arm grabbed her by the waist, making her swiftly stand up straight. She looked at Noah as he touched her forehead, his thumb gently rubbed it feels like the pain magically disappeared or had her attention just went over to her beating heart?

"Noah..." she uttered as she gently held his hand and looks at him in the eyes. Without hesitation, she threw herself on Noah's arms and hugged him followed by gentle strokes of her fingers drawing circles on his back.

From the dark, cold eyes. Noah's eyes turns gentle, his face turns bright as he felt her body cling to his. It's been two years since he felt her again, in his embrace. He can smell the sweet scent of vanilla in her hair mixed with the sweet cherry perfume she always wears. Noah swallowed as he fought his urge to hold her with his hands, the hands that breaks fragile things or was he the one who was fragile? He rested his hands, he controlled himself to let even his own skin feel the fabric of her pink dress but she was close. Too close he couldn't resist.

"Can you, for once, just hug me back?" Namine requested. She felt guilty after signing the contract. After Noah, after all the things she went through and all the help her parents gave her, she ended up being in a pleasure house for the sake of Noah, again.

Noah cleared his throat as he slowly held her, his long arms wrapped around her small body. Noah hated the thought of hugging someone but hugs coming from Namine Scott seems to make him consider he likes hugs, only for this moment.

Namine pulled away from the hug then she watched her hand held his. She looked at his nails, his clean, beautiful nails and his long fingers. "Thanks" she uttered, "I feel better now" she smiled.

Noah looked at their hands held together, his eyebrows furrowed but he doesn't let go. I feel better now. It ticks him to know what's bothering her but then he realized it's not his place to ask. He pulled his hand but Namine's not ready to let go, the action accidentally rolled her loose sleeves letting Noah see the scars she never wanted him to see.

Namine swiftly pulled her hand but Noah took them back and rolled the sleeve back again. "What's this?" he asked her, shooting a glare at her.

"N-nothing" Namine uttered calmly as she tried to pull her arm off of him but he doesn't let it go. "Noah-.."

Noah suddenly pulled her inside his room. His room was clean as usual but suddenly a cool temperature turned hot from the tension. Namine was confused about Noah's action but she tried to be calm despite the feeling of vulnerability breathing unto her neck. "Noah what is it?" She asked.

Seeking NoahOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant