Chapter Seven

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"So, Noah" Anastasia said, "Any plans of doing your curious ex?" She asked. Noah stopped eating, his hands paused with the fork hovering on top of the meat and his eyes are on glass of wine in front of him.

"She'd be fine" he said, "I don't see her as a threat" he added and Anastasia raised a brow while crossing her legs, "But I do" she declared.

"She's nothing" Noah said, "She's a weak girl" Too weak.

Anastasia purses her lips as she studies Noah's face, "You do like her don't you?" She asked frankly.

Noah looked at her with a hard face, there's nothing that he denies, he doesn't like Namine Scott at all. "I don't like her" he replied.

"Then why do you come after her?" She asked, almost like she was teasing him to give her answers which she knows Noah wouldn't. It doesn't disappointment her when Noah refused to tell the truth, he's always been a bad liar.

"I don't come after her" he said, "Only stupid people like Jared does that" he added.

"Oh my precious Noah" Anastasia moaned, "You're a very bad boy" she whispered.

At the houses, Daisy and Namine just stared at the ceiling in complete silence and Daisy patiently waited for her to say something, quietly listening to her soft cries.

"I met with Jared" Namine finally said, "He said I am destroying myself" she added and Daisy agreed to that but what should she tell her?

"Well, what about you? Do you think you are destroying yourself?" She asked.

"I don't know" Namine answered, "People will think I am but...but"

"You can't let Noah go" Daisy ended. "So you're just going to let him destroy you...through you" she added.

Namine was silenced. They both know it was true. Ever since Noah came into her life, he brought nothing but pain and chaos.

"Noah is not destroying me" Namine defended.

"But you are destroying yourself because of him so that is pretty much the same" Daisy explained then she got up and looked at Namine. They looked at each other in the eyes.

"Minsy, I wasn't... I wasn't in the picture when there's you and Noah Heinsteele but he's a dick" she said, "Noah being a dick is not just coming from your story, everybody knows he is trouble and you had to accept that this is no book, you can't fix a person nor can you let a person look at you the same way you look at them. It just had to be this way" she said.

Namine got up and she grabbed Daisy's hand and gently held it then she smiled, "Thank you" she said softly.

Daisy offered to walk Namine to her room but she decided she wanted to be alone. She walked slowly, trying to think straight. She was supposed to be in college living life like a normal person but instead she was trapped inside a cage with the bad things that follows her, bad things like Noah Heinsteele.

"Hey" Noah greeted. He was standing at her door with a silver paper bag on his hand.

Namine blinked too many times before she realizes it was a real figure of Noah standing at her door and she raised her hand to pull back the hairs behind her ears, "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"You didn't have dinner" he quickly answered and Namine's eyebrows furrowed, "How do you know..."

"Jared sent this" he lied. No. Jared did not send it. Noah drove to a local restaurant a little farther away from Winchester for Namine's favorite smashed potatoes topped with beef and mushroom. He grabbed some soda along the way.

Namine wanted to refuse the food but she could feel her stomach growling so she had to accept it. "Thank you Noah, tell Jared I said thanks" she said and she began to pull out her keycard to open the door.

Namine didn't have any plans of letting Noah come in but as she was about to close the door, Noah blocked it by holding the door with his hands. Namine was a little bit surprised that she looks up at him with a puzzled look, "What?" She asked.

"Can I..." Noah uttered shyly but he can't seem to finish his sentence. "Can I come in?" He asked.

Namine swallowed, should I? She thought. She nodded as she let go of the door handle and Noah came in then closed the door.

Namine put the food on the table then she grabbed two plates from her small kitchen. "I... I'm full" Noah said.

"You know I can't finish that" Namine reminded as she put the plates on the small table.

The room doesn't have much space but it's more like home. A bedspace, a small kitchen space, and a dining area where you can eat without messing your bed.

"I thought you're not wearing a shirt?" Noah commented as he sat beside Namine while they eat and looks at her scarred arms.

"I changed my mind" Namine said, "I mean, I just... think I should change the way I dress" she added.

"Why?" Noah asked.

"Because I'm odd" she said. "I might have to get a job one of these days" she opened up, "My dad's ill"

Noah thought for awhile. He never met her family, he never wanted to. He doesn't even know how many siblings Namine have. "Sorry to hear that" he simply said.

"It's not that fatal though but he's aging" Namine said. She just had lots of trouble to deal with, along the way when she was walking to her room she received a phone call from her mom, telling her they can't send her any allowances due to Kenny being sick and she had to wait ten days before her scholarship gets approved and she gets her allowance. If she's lucky enough to get it approved out of all the thousands that applied.

Noah looked at her as her eyes starts to water then she just quickly stood up and walked to her wardrobe finding some napkin, "You okay" he asked.

What am I going to do? Namine asked herself. She regretted she spent her money for a dress that Noah will never even appreciate or anybody else will.

"I... I'm fine" Namine uttered as she went back to the table to eat again.

"Can I ask you a question?" Noah said and Namine nodded. "Are you a scholar?" he asked.

"Not yet but I applied. I took the exams and hopefully I'd pass" she said, "I need that scholarship. We can't barely pay this school if I don't have that. I might as well stop" she added then she paused realizing she just opened up to Noah Heinsteele. "I'm sorry I know you didn't want to hear that" she said. "N...nevermind" she added then she ate faster.

"Got any points from Night Viper?" He asked.

"A thousand" Namine replied, "I never do those kind of stuff but... it was fun" she added.

"So how deep are you going?" He asked and his question made Namine quiet nervous.

"I don't... know to be honest" Namine replied, "I guess until I don't think my body is sacred anymore" she said.

Noah swallowed as he looks away from her momentarily then looks back again, making her heart flinch at his cavernous stares.

"What do you plan to do with your points?" He asked.

"I had no plans about it yet" she lied. "What about you Noah, can I ask you a question?"

She was nervous if he'd say yes but she's almost positive he will say no. Noah hates questions, it's the reason why they never got to know each other well but having a decent conversation with Noah makes her feel better.

"Yes, go ahead" Noah replied and she looks away from him in disbelief. Confused why he didn't say no.

She looks back at him, her mind's full of questions she doesn't know what to choose, "Why did you say I was boring?" she blurted, words escaped her mouth like a prisoner. Her heart beat went faster as she realized she just brought up the past. The stupid girl she is.

"Sorry" she uttered as she stood up, grabing her plate, "Sorry, it's not supposed to question-.."

Noah held her arm as he stopped her from walking out, "Namine..." he uttered.

"Noah" she said.

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