"What?" Evelynn inquired, the way he said her name with his Australian accent made her want to cry. She looked away from the tall blonde and back at the coffee.

She noticed the large amount of coffee spilling over the edge of the cup and onto the workspace and floor.

"You have got to be kidding me" she mumbled, blushing bright red. She fully embarrassed herself in front of the hot, intimidating and mysterious blue-eyed man and now she wished she was anywhere but working at this bakery.

Luke watched her slightly amused as she fumbled with paper towels she retrieved from a shelf nearby. Kinda cute, he thought. His eyes widened the tiniest bit when he realized what his brain just observed.

By the time he collected himself again, Evelynn was walking back over to the register with a new, perfectly filled, coffee cup.

"That will be $2.85" she said quietly, still completely embarrassed she had just done something so stupid.

Luke handed her the money owed and grabbed his coffee. He turned and walked out of the bakery, leaving both of them to be confused on their own.

What the fuck was that? Luke asked himself as he walked away from the bakery.

Evelynn watched him walk away. Why am I so embarrassing, jesus I need a nap.

Picking her book up off the counter, Evelynn put it in her bag when her shift ended. She walked the short distance back to the apartment on campus she shared with Finley.

She was exhausted even though she had a total of 7 customers that day. I do deserve a nap after that, she rewarded herself as she unlocked the front door. She had a tiring day, mainly because she was so embarrassed with herself and the coffee mishap she encountered early in her shift.

"How was work?" Finley struggled to ask from underneath Evelynn as she threw herself on Finley's lounging body, on the couch. She was watching The Vampire Diaries for the thousandth time on Netflix.

"I mean it was fine if you don't count me spilling coffee all over the floor." Evelynn shrugged sitting up, once again blushing when she thought about that awkward situation.

Finley laughed at the girls expense, "Of course you would do that. Wouldn't expect any less"

Evelynn groaned, she knew she was clumsy but Finley always made sure to point it out any chance she got.

Getting up off the couch she looked at the time, 4:30. She figured she could just take a nap and do any homework and reading she needed to complete for tomorrow after her 'power nap'.

Not even fifteen minutes into her beauty sleep, Finley leisurely strolled into Evelynn's room and sat right on top of her.

"What now?" Evelynn asked the girl crushing her.

"We–" Finley emphasized, pointing a finger between the two, "are going to go exploring."

"What?" Evelynn asked attempting to turn over. She just wanted to sleep and wasn't up for one of Finley's spontaneous adventures at the moment.

"We aren't leaving until later so you can get your 'beauty rest' while I plan this out." Evelynn didn't see the smirk on the pale girl's face, she was already focused on sleeping again.

"Yeah, whatever." Evelynn dismissed her and began drifting off as Finley left, who was anxious to see how she reacts when informed of what their 'plans' consist of.

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