Chapter 21: The Pre-Spring Break Kickoff

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"You are going, and that is final!" Alya said as she stared her friend down. "I know I've been a terrible friend the past few days, but I'm not going to let you skip out on what is likely to be the best talked about party of the year! It's Chloe's Pre-Spring Break Party. Anything can happen there!"

Marinette rolled her eyes as she hid under her covers in her bed. Alya pulled the covers away. "It's still daylight outside, girl! Get dressed, and who knows, maybe you'll see Adrien there! Maybe you'll even kiss him."

Marinette wanted to hide her head under a pillow. Adrien! How could she face him after everything that had happened? Ugg. And how could she face Chat? She'd have to break up with him. How could she date him, if she was so in love with someone else? "Can't you just tell them I'm on my deathbed?"

Alya wouldn't take that as an answer. "How about wearing one of your custom-designed outfits. This one looks nice, or what about this one?" She held up two equally revealing outfits.

"But I designed those are for other people to wear. You know--beautiful, rich, famous people."

But Alya only threw them at her best friend. "I'll give you five minutes to go change into one of them yourself, OR I will do it for you."

"ALYA!" Marinette protested, but she wasn't about to call her friend's bluff. When she finally emerged from behind the decorative room divider, Marinette was fully clothed in a sparkly halter-top dress. The one she picked was a blue color that matched her eyes. Instead of her normal pink flats, she wore a pair of blue heels

"Okay, good. Now we're almost ready to go. Nino's already there setting up his DJ equipment, now just to call Adrien." Marinette covered her face in her hands as her friend called, but her stern-looking face turned into a frowning one. "Uh-huh. You sure? Marinette will be there... Okay." She sighed and turned to look at Mari. "His father is sending him out of town again, but... he said he'd try to stop by before he flies out of town."

Mari let out a breath. Considering how many times that Adrien had to flake out on plans because of his father, that sounded like a no. Maybe she wouldn't have to face the awkwardness yet. "Okay, let's go."

When Alya and Mari arrived at the party, Nino had already started the music and there was already a crowd of people out there dancing. Everyone from their class was there, and quite a few other people that she didn't recognize. Refreshments were set up at the counter, and Chloe's Butler, Jean was there tending to the drinks and snacks. It seemed like a typical party, not that Mari went to parties often anyway.

In one corner, Lila stood there watching Mari from a distance. When Mari saw her she instantly turned Alya to go in the other direction. Lila had everyone, even her best friend fooled, but she wasn't about to cause a big confrontational scene. Unfortunately, in her effort to dodge that nemesis Mari had bumped into her other nemesis, Chloe Bourgeois. In the middle of the dance floor, Chloe was talking with some older guy, as they attempted to dance. She glowered when Marinette bumped into her, but then she put on a fake smile. "Hi, Mari---nette."

Wow, an improvement. She didn't call her Maritrash. Was Chloe actually becoming a nice person?"Hi Chloe, nice party." Mari finally managed to say when she recovered from her surprise. Okay, was that being polite enough? Mari asked as she looked at her best friend. Alya gave her a nod to her unspoken question and they went over to where Nino was Djing.

Kagami appeared suddenly, surprising both Alya and Marinette. "Hi, Marinette and Alya. You still have your coat and jacket, there's a coat check here. I can help you out."

"Thanks!" Marinette and Alya handed her their things. "And thank you so much for helping out earlier," Marinette said the last part quietly so that Alya wouldn't get suspicious.

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