Chapter 4: Open Mouth, Insert Foot

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Unknown number: Mari, I found your purse. I need to give it to you. Are you at school still?

Mari blinked as she lifted the phone over her face and sleepily read the text in bed. After her lunch break was over, she told her parents that she was feeling sick--which wasn't a lie. Her run-in with Lila had made her psychically sick in the stomach. She had gone back upstairs, changed back into her pj's, climbed onto her bunk bed, and then tried to forget about the whole misunderstanding that Lila had manufactured with expert manipulation.

Nino: Alya, he said he's got to give it to her.... lol.

Oh, Nino, you are almost just as bad as Chat. Mari rolled her eyes. But who was he talking about? Who had her purse? She scrolled up to the beginning of the conversation. Her eyes widened when she realized that she was in a group chat and Adrien was texting her. 

She stared blankly at her phone, unable to move. Adrien was texting her? Adrien had her purse? Adrien was friends with Chat Noir?

Marinette panicked and called her best friend, "Allllllllya! Help!"

"Girl, calm down!" Her friend laughed. "See. I told you think would be okay. Not only did someone find your purse, but that certain someone is your one and only all-time crush. You're so lucky."

"GAh!" Was all that Mari could say. Lucky? Her? Never! If anything, this was the worst thing that could happen. "What should I text him?"

"I don't know, maybe 'thanks for finding it', or 'I'm home, so why don't you stop on by?'"

Mari's voice got even higher in pitch. "A...a...adrien, come here? Like... right now?"

Alya laughed. "Yeah, girl-- right now. He's finally calling you. Invite him over. Give him a tour. Show him your bedroom."

"A-L-Y-A!" Marinette reddened at the thought. She was still staring at her phone, struggling over what she could possibly write to her crush to make this situation less horrible than it already was when another text came in.

Adrien: I guess you're home so I'm coming over.

"O-M-G. Help. He wants to come over!"

"I saw that too, Mari. I'm in the group text. Just think of this as a good thing. Now you won't be able to chicken out."

"What-- me? Never! Hehe. Oh, hold on I have a call." Mari answered the phone. Before she looked at the ID. It said 'PRIVATE NUMBER'.

 "Hello? Marinette?" It was Adrien.

Marinette threw the phone to the other side of the room and shrieked. She rolled over in a panic, rolled right over the side of her bunk bed, and then fell flat on her face. She groaned as she was temporarily dazed by the sudden appearance of the floor.  Before she could pick herself off the floor she heard Adrien's voice from the phone across the room. "What's wrong?! What happened?! I'monmyway..."

"Everything's fine, I just fell off my bed, you don't need to come over!" She yelled as she ran to the phone and tried to stall him, but he had already hung up. Instead, there was only Alya, laughing at her on the other line. She was about to say something when Tom yelled from downstairs.

"Everything alright up there, Honey"

Marinette opened the trapdoor that led to the stairs and she called down to her father. "I'm fine." 

"Well good, cause you've got a visitor," Tom said, with Adrien behind him.

Mari's eyes widened. That was quick. If she had any sense she would have gone back up to her room, but with Mari being Mari, she rushed down the stairs. "Oh, hi. Meeting... fancy... you here."

Just my Luck -Book 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ